06 - The Reveal

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      The couple and child turned around only to be faced with grim looks. A man first steps up, "Where are the others?" he questions. 

      "When we went outside we split into groups, two in each one. My other partner left after seeing an infected coming at us", Enzo calmly states. Val quickly turns around facing her boyfriend at this news, 

      "You had an encounter with one? Are you okay? Did it get you?", she frantically checks her boyfriend's body. Enzo smiles at her, putting his hand to her cheek as a way of assuring her, "I'm fine. If I hadn't been I wouldn't have came back to you. But I promised I would." Val nods her head slowly, and attempting to calm down. 

      The same man from before goes on, "You have blood on your sleeve!" Everyone quickly backs away from the three. Val looks at the sleeve in worry again, then back up to her boyfriend. Enzo didn't seem bothered by the blood, and only smiled.

      The man continues however, "You could be infected we don't know for sure which ways a person can get infected. The blood coming into contact with your skin is dangerous."

      "I say he goes back outside!" A woman says from the back, while another finishes for her, "We can't take any chances." Murmurs of agreement are heard in the crowd. Val's heart quickly picks  up adding on to the pain she was starting to get from her condition. Clutching on to her side, she grips onto Enzo, "I'm not leaving you, if they make you go outside then I am too. This god forsaken pain is already giving me hell. At least I won't feel it if we get turned."

      Enzo smirks but soon recovers into a worried expression after seeing Val in pain. He bends down to rub her sides while humming an okay. Valerie already shocked from the calmness of her boyfriend, she quickly masks her surprise as the crowd in front of her starts pushing them toward the door. 

      Enzo grabs Val's hand and leads her out, Val looks behind at Min contemplating whether he should come along. However, Min determinedly states, "I'll protect you Val! No matter what", with a stern look on his face. Enzo chuckles at the interaction and leads them out.

So I'm splitting this chapter into two, sorry. Also thank you to the 43 people who have read this, way more than I expected and I'm grateful for it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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