03 - Surroundings

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      After sending off her boyfriend with the group, Val found a spot on the ground, in the corner. As she sat down she saw a small boy sitting beside her, sobbing softly. The girl heartbroken with the scene, decides to talk to him.

      "Hey, hey..." Val said quietly in an attempt to get his attention. And she does, successfully. The kid looks at her, tears streaking down his cheeks.

      "What's wrong? Do you want to talk to me about it?" Val continues, trying to comfort him.

      "My parents- They- They turned into zombies! And it'll be the same for me..." The kid said sadly.

      "No, I won't allow that. Even if everyone on this plane gets infected, I'll protect you. " Val asked. The kid looked a bit happier but the death of his parents weighed him down.

      "What's your name?" Val asks.

      "Dominic...." He responds.

      "Well Dominic, I'm Valerie, but you can call me Val. I know you're scared about all this. Trust me I'm scared too, and I'm not going to hide it or act brave. If you're scared, then you're scared, same goes for sadness. But that doesn't mean you have to face it alone. Especially now that you have a wonderful friend near you, you can always talk to me, alright?"

      "Alright." Dominic said softly. "Then can I hug you?" Val's face broke out in a small smile.

      "Of course you can." And Valerie brings Dominic in her arms as the kid cried.

      "You know Dominic, I had pretty amazing parents as well." Val says.

      "You did? Are they on the plane too?"

      "No, no.... I lost them a long time ago, but it's fine. When I lost them I found someone else. My boyfriend."

      "Your boyfriend?"

      "Mhm, he brings me happiness just to be by his side. That's why, even if you lose someone you'll always find someone else. It's like a balance, but I'm not saying to forget those you lost. Grieve for them, but don't let it destroy you cause there's people waiting for you."

      "Okay..." Dominic says drowsily, slowly falls asleep in her arms and Val didn't move him. Val soon follows, having her head lay on top of Dominic's. 


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