Chapter 1: Charming

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Kion was born. Nala smiled at her son. Simba nuzzled the golden cub. Kiara smiled at her little brother. Suddenly, a random baboon walked in. He had a staff in his hand.

"Who are you?" Simba asked. The baboon ignored him, and walked toward Kion. The baboon opened a gourd, and a bunch of gold dust fell out, onto Kion.

"This little cub will forever be charming, no lioness will resist his smile, and he will never know what love is!" The baboon laughed.

Simba charged at the baboon, but before he could attack, the baboon dissapeared. Simba looked around.

Nala looked down on her son. "Simba," she asked with worry. Simba turned to her. He looked down on his son. "Oh no!" Kion was glowing. When Kion smiled, his teeth shined.

"I hope Kion can overcome this curse," Simba sighed.

5 Years Later:

(Kion 5, Kion means, "Leader")

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(Kion 5, Kion means, "Leader")

Kion woke up, and walked out of the cave. He smiled and soaked in the sunlight. The sun rays made Kion's fur glow.

Kion was suddenly flocked by lionesses. Kion smiled, and they all fainted. "Kion?" Kion turned around. "Hi dad," Kion smiled.

Simba looked around, "Out charming lionesses again huh?" "You know it," Kion smirked. "Kion, you need to be careful," Simba said.

"Why? Kion asked. "Nevermind," Simba chuckled. Simba tussled Kion's mane. Kion shook it back.

Kion started walking off to the lion guard lair. "Ahem?" Kion turned around. "You just going to leave these lionesses here?" Simba asked with a smirk. "Oh right," Kion chuckled. He woke them up, and quickly ran away.

Kion went into the Lion Guard lair. Fuli, Beshte, Bunga, Ono, and Anga were there. "Hey guys," Kion smiled. "Hey Kion," Bunga ran up to him.

"So what are we doing?" Kion asked. "Nothing really, there isn't any danger in the Pridelands," Fuli explained. "That's good," Kion smiled. It flashed in the lair.

The guard closed their eyes. "Ahh I'm going blind!" Bunga shouted. He spun around, and fell.

"My eyes hurt," Anga said. "Oh sorry guys," Kion apologized. "No problem, just try smiling without your teeth next time?" Ono asked. Kion smiled without his teeth, "Ok."

Kion sat down on the ledge that was designated for the leader of the Lion guard.

Zuri, Tiifu, and Kiara ran into the lair. "Oh hey Kiara," Kion smiled. Zuri and Tiifu fainted. Kiara sighed. "Kion, he need to go battle the outlands, Scar is planning another attack!" Kiara shouted. Kion stood up. "We are to young to fight Scar himself, for now, we will just get his followers," Kion said.

"Till the Pridelands end!" Kion shouted. "Lion guard defend!" They went running out.

Kion and Rani: Way To CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now