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October 1993Fifth year

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October 1993
Fifth year

Charlie Weasley was going through a tough time. He really was and it didn't help him that his best friend was now part of the problem.

As wrong as Charlie is about a lot of things, Oliver Wood along side George were doing their best to keep the bloke in check. Even if it meant Charlie causing a storm and being angry with them most of the time. Oliver more than anyone on the team knows that they desperately need Hope. Harry too, but he would rather keep that to himself to avoid anymore conflict with his captain because he has already mentioned it once before, and it ended in a heated argument when the girls came to Hope's defense.

Although, there is one thing Charlie is right about. Hope is still the best quidditch player in his opinion. He still stands by that. If only he could just admit it.

Since Archer Williams joined the team a couple of days ago, he's realized his own mistake and his pride was now going to be the teams downfall. Archer is a decent quidditch player, but he isn't Hope. Charlie knows this. He knows the sixth years isn't as good as Angelina Johnson who he knows was trained by Hope. Archer is as good as the substitutes, and that was saying something. For this reason, Charlie had planned on waking up early to take Archer to practice to work one on ones. What he didn't expect was to find the bloke flirting with Hope.

While Hope simply rolled her eyes at something he said, Archer held his head high with his hands gripping onto his broom as he laughed. For once, Charlie felt jealousy run through him. He is no idiot, he himself has heard how the girls spoke of the young bloke. Even he could admit Archer is a fit strapping young lad.

It wasn't until Charlie heard his name that he realized he had been starring at Hope for too long.

"Good morning, Charlie." Hope spoke before breaking eye contact with the dark haired male in front of her. Out of instinct, Archer whipped his head in the direction of his captain while, the captain continued to eye Hope. The expression that replaced the smile she held seconds ago is what made Charlie rather uncomfortable.

"Morning." He walked on over towards the two. "What brings you two out here this early?"

"Hope is going to train me, but I forgot my gloves. I'll be back." Archer patted his captain shoulder before running up to the castle after handing his broom over to Hope.

In that moment, right when Charlie's eyes landed on her, Hope wished she could disappear. She didn't want to be there, not that she was really bothered let alone angry. She was over it, and she doesn't want to deal with him again. So she turned away and bent over to reach for the quaffle from the grass. That was a mistake. Due to her broken rib from the day before, she let out a bit of a cry and stayed there in that position too afraid to move.

Throwing his own broom aside, Charlie rushed over towards the girl to check on her. Delicately he placed a hand on her back as he squatted down just so he was eye level with her. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

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