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September 1993Fifth year

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September 1993
Fifth year

"H-hope? What are you doing here?" Professor Lupin frowned upon seeing the girl walk into the classroom talking side by side with Fred Weasley while George trailed behind the two.  Immediately, the smile on the girls face disappeared and that didn't go unnoticed.

"I have detention." She frowned confusedly as she averted her eyes in the direction of the twins who weren't even paying attention to the situation. They were already making their way to the front of McGonagalls classroom prepping for their punishment.

"No, I mean, -yes, but, I'm just surprised is all." He looked down at the list Professor McGonagall had left for him. Sure enough, there was her name, at the very top of the list and he doesn't know how he didn't notice it.

Honestly, anything that has touched his desk with her name, he was quick and would be sure to read it. Remus Lupin quickly learned that Hope couldn't stand him. Frankly it didn't matter what he did, Hope found him to be annoying and he knew that, which he hated, but he also couldn't help but want her approval. 

Remus doesn't understand why she dislikes him. All he had to do was ask because Hope was the kind of person that when she's pushed too far, she will explode and state her opinion and she was close to that point. Most of the time, Hope would catch him starring at her or he would simply call on her during class. He would do anything to get her attention, to hear her talk, to see how her mind works. He was just desperate to know more about his daughter.

All his life, he had imagined what she would be like. Confident? Happy? Beautiful, like her mother? Yes, luckily she got that from her, he told himself, But was she nice? Popular? Smart, like him? No, he learned that rather quickly when she failed every quiz he has already given out and wrote an essay that made absolutely no sense. After asking teachers about her, he found out she was barley passing any of her classes. She struggled in school and he was surprised she was even in her fifth year let lone the quidditch team with her grades.

"Can I ask you a question?" He followed after the girl who was heading in the direction of the twins. 

"Technically, you did." She responded.  After weeks, It still bothered her that he had mentioned her late father, and she wasn't so sure if she should ask her mother about it because at the end of the day, Evan Rosier's death still affected her.

Remus crouched down so that he could look at her. "Why are you in detention, Hope?" The girl frowned at the question. Why did he care?

"Where's Professor McGonagall?" She asked instead.

Knowing exactly what she was doing, Remus tried not to laugh but he answered anyway. "She had some business to attend to."

"Great." Hope muttered to herself not realizing that the man heard her due to his impeccable hearing, which was all thanks to his werewolf abilities.

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