A New Plan

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I woke up the next morning, thrilled, but still feeling upset. So much has happened, and the worst part was I lost Alex. The one I thing I truly cared about. I wouldn't say I loved him, because love is a strong word! I do care about him, but does that mean I love him? I don't know. I wake up to a auburn-y sunshine where the sun is still rising. I look at my phone and see it's 4 a.m. I walk over to my wardrobe and put on a beige cardigan, denim shorts, white tank top, and flip flops. I quietly tiptoe outside the hotel room and walk down to the beach. It was a slightly breezy morning. I sat on the sand and gazed at the sun. 'Will I ever get Alex back?' I thought. A tear drop slid down my eye, and I wiped it off quickly. 'Why did I have to get involved in this shit?' It was all soo...... unexpected. 'Don't worry. We'll work it out.' Half of me thought hopefully. The other half on the other hand was not so hopeful. But which one should I go with? This is so confusing.

I finally stood up, to what felt like, full sun light, wiped off the back of my shorts, and headed to the hotel room. On the way back, I saw Alex. I quickly hid behind a tree, on first instinct. I peeked through the bushes at what he was doing there. He sat down on the sand and gazed at the sun. He got up and started looking for something, but I didn't know what. He finally stopped looking standing in front of rocks. He picked up one and yelled angrily "This is my anger towards Charlie." He threw the rock and yet it didn't go very far. He picked up another one and said "This is my love towards her." His face softened and the rock went very far. I covered my mouth stoping it from opening. 'He still loves me.' I thought. That just couldn't be possible. I slowly backed away from the tree, exiting the scene.

Eventually I reached the hotel room, but still stunned. 'What was up the rocks?' I thought, questionably. I walked into the dining room sitting down at the table, greeting my mom and Jess. I dug into my breakfast, pushing the thoughts I had a while ago at the back of my mind. When we had finished we had a knock on the door. Could it be Alex? I opened and change my face from hopeful to disappointed. It was only Jack. "What do you want?"

"Easy. I just came to.." He said then lowering his voice, continuing ", begin plan, get Alex back. And I thought about it last night, and we have to tell the truth."

"What no!"

"Charlie, do you want Alex back?" He asked.

"Yes.." I hesitated. I mean, did I? "Yes." I said more sure.

"Great, then follow me." He grinned. He pulled my hand and ran to a uncertain destination. Eventually we reached the lounge.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Wait, three.... two..... one..."

"Woah! Sorry." Alex had said bumping into us.

"Sorry, bro. I gotta go. I'll see you later." Jack saluted him and left us giving me a wink. I would get him later, and I'd make sure of that.

"Eh.. I gotta go." He said.

"Wait!" I grabbed his wrist. "Let me explain." I signalled him to the sofas and sat down, him following. And I explained.
"...I'm really sorry." I finished.

"It's ok. Everything's ok. But Charlie, do you love me?" He asked finally.

I gulped at this question. Love is a strong word, don't you think? I don't know what we have is called love, exactly. "Look... I.. don't know... But when I do I'll let you know." I had finally said.

After a few moments he finally spoke "O-ok."

"I better go." I said I finally got up and kissed his lips softly, something I had missed doing, and left. Did I really love him?

Authors note: Hey guys, sorry this took so long to arrive. And that it's really short. I'm really sorry, but I'll make up for it in the big finale chapter which is a few more chapters to come. This chapter would have never came if @zumrodtebra didn't send me the cutest comment on Game On, Alberto. So please thank the user. And I would like to thank this user for making my day and making me feel like my chapter isn't as bad after all. Thank you @zumrodtebra. And thank you kirstt_doy for your wonderful inspiration in this book as well. Next chapter soon to come.

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