Sex with Jack is so Exhilarating

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Jess just smiles at me mischievously.
"I said, WHY IS YOUR HAIR PINK?" I repeat myself.
"Jack did it. You like?" She asks smiling stupidly. I'm sorry but it was a very pathetic 'I'm being brainwashed by Jack' smile. But I didn't say that. "WHAT!? Jack told you to do this and you agreed!" I shriek.
"Stop being such a party pooper." She says teasing me.
"WHAT DID MY MOM SAY ABOUT THIS?" I ask still shrieking.
"Nothing really. And shhh keep your voice down!" She finally puts down the phone gets up and stretches her arms and legs as if her HAIR ISN'T PINK. Then she sits back down and goes back to her phone.
"So where were you?" She asks.
"Your hair is PINK! And you're asking me where I was!?" I shriek.
"Ya, my hair is pink, get over it. Now, where were you?"
I finally sit down, get over the fact that her hair is PINK and decide to answer the question. "At the beach."
"With who?"

"Alberto. The waiter from the pool." I say coldly.

"Oo!" She coos.

"DON'T!" I warn.

"Why?" She asks confused now.

"You know, if you weren't too busy dying your hair and having sex with Jack you would know!" I snap at her.

"You're right." Her face now changed to a guilty one.

"Look...I didn't mean to...." I try to take back what I said earlier but what's done is done.

"No it's fine. You're right and from now on I'll be there a little more. Anyways why the sudden coldness about Alberto? Come on, I'm here for you Charlie." She says.

I hesitate then I spill. From top to bottom. It all comes gushing out till there's no more to gush. And I feel a little better. "Aww, Charlie." Jess says. She comes over to my bed and hugs me. "He's not going anywhere near you, on my watch." She says like my fierce protector. We hug some more and watch a movie. It's a romantic chick flick 'Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging' it's one of our faves. A girl who keeps trying to change herself when she finally settles for herself and gets the impossible that she thought would never happen to her, get a boyfriend who's loves her crazy self, but it was quite some ride for them to finally end up with each other. Soon after we're drifting in an endless sleeping.

I'm the first to wake up, smiling at the nice time me and Jess spend yesterday night. To be honest her pink hair is kinda cool. I realise that Jess still hasn't told me about her and Jack's sex. I wake her up gently then she groans and rubs her eyes.
"What!?" She moans.

"Tell me about you and Jack having sex." I say eager to finally know.

She groans one more time and turns around to face me in the bed which we watched the movie in. She smiles her pathetic smile again but this time doesn't look pathetic but cute. She begins "Ok so what do you want to know?"

"First, how did you use both of the two different types of condoms?" I ask.

"Oh. You see when he took off his underwear and was completely naked I took my extra safe condom. Then after a while I asked him would he like to try Thin Feel, he said sure. And it felt way better than Extra Safe, and that's more important, how you feel." She answers.


"What else do you want to know?"

"What exactly happened and how did it lead to sex?" I ask the big question.

"Ok, so we were talking and laughing then he said 'God I'd like to get in your pants.' Then I said 'Why don't you.' He instantly turned me on and started kissing me in this, passionate way that I... just can't explain. It was so endearing to kiss him. It truly was Charlie. Oh his lips Charlie... His lips were perfect..." She immediately smiled and sighed with joy.
"Go on..." I say.
"Oh right! Anyways so we're kissing really passionate and intimately then he starts feeling me up. I loved the feeling of him feeling me up. He started moving his lips down my neck, while I was left there to enjoy. I took his hand and pulled him into a dark room. Then he started taking off his clothes really quickly eager to get back to me and so was I. Soon his clothes were off and so were mine. But he left his underwear so I left my bra and panties but I was still a little confused, thinking does he want to have sex with me or not, you know?" I shake my head for no and she continued.
"So then we started kissing again feeling each other and kissing each other's body's. Then I don't know what came over me but I went for his underwear wanting to pull them down. Then he said 'Are you sure?' I nod for yes really wanting to have all of him. I pull down his underwear and he pulls down my panties. He unclips my bra and before you know it I'm having him being shoved into me in 'that' way and groaning and moaning but with joy. And the rest is history. Seriously, sex with Jack is so exhilarating." She finishes.

I just stare at her in shock of what she had went through last night. "Wow." I finally say. "I'm hungry let's go eat." She says and before you know it we're eating, having a shower and heading over to the beach with my mom, "It's a lovely day, why don't we head to the beach." She had said at breakfast. We took with us our towels, 3 sit back chairs and spare clothes since we're already in swimwear, and we brought sunscreen. We reached the beach with the sun shinning its fullest power yet, getting a good spot for the chairs. We put down the chairs and lay down in our bikini's. Me and Jess put on sunscreen and sunglasses while my mom put on a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. "Hey! Look it's Jack." Jess runs over to him and I follow, leaving my mom in peace. "Hey babe." He smiles at her. They kiss a kiss that I'm pretty sure had tongues involved. I gag at the sight of this and thankfully they break apart. Jack runs to the ocean and so do I and Jess splashing, and having fun.

Suddenly I feel a arm wrap around my waist lifting me in the air. "Put me down!" I struggle to make this person release it's grasp. The person finally puts me down and I turn around to see who it was. It was Alex, who is smiling at me trying not to laugh. "You scared me!" I say pushing him hard. "Sorry." He says laughing. I splash him in the face laughing now, at the sight of his shock. He splashes me back and before you know it we're all splashing each other laughing, and having fun. Jack and Alex greet each other after a while, immediately being friendly and turning into mates. We sit down on the beach. Jess next to Jack and Me next to Alex. Jack wraps his arm around Jess's waist and Jess leans on his shoulder. Alex shyly wraps his arm around my waist. I lean in closer. Smiling at him truly, happy. He wasn't anything like Alberto. He was gentle and caring. And he wasn't a douchebag. "Hi sweetie. I'm going to head back. When you come back to the hotel room bring your stuff back too." She says interrupting our peaceful silence. "Ok." Me and Jess say in unison. She leaves us back to our peaceful quietness, when Alex is the first to break the silence "Why don't we sleep here tonight, under the stars!?"

Authors note: Hope you like this. Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging is actually one of my fave movies. Don't worry it's not as sexual as it sounds, trust me. You guys should watch it some time. It's really good.

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