Birthday Girl

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I woke up to the delight of being entwined in Alex's arms, like I had wished. I smiled with joy. I stroked his baby smooth skin. I laughed silently thinking about yesterday. I leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. He showed slow movements of his body, then his eyelids gently lifted. He smiled at me, and I just kept stroking his cheek. He didn't speak and soon the silence was irrupted by Jack and Jess's moaning and groaning.
"Good morning!" Jack said.
"Good morning!" Jess said back. Before you know it we could hear lips being kissed.
I leaned in to Alex and kissed him. We finally broke apart smiling as we did so.
"Well, guys. We should go back now." I said. And we all did so, begrudgingly.

When we reached my hotel room a surprise was waiting for me. "Happy Birthday Charlie!" They all said together. My mom came over to me with a beautiful cake in her hand saying "Make a wish!" I closed my eyes and blew out the candles making a wish. They all clapped. Alex kissed my cheek, Jack surprisingly hugged me and Jess gave me the bestest hug yet, leaving my mom a challenge. My mom kissed me on the forehead and gave me the best mother hug she could do. We all sat down, cut the cake and ate it making small chat here and there. Eventually the guys had to get up and leave. "Wanna go to the pool?" Jack and Alex asked. "You know what.. Today I'm going to spend the day with my mom." I said. "You don't have to sweetheart. Go have fun." My mom said. "No. I'm staying with you. Bye guys." I said basically pushing them out the door and closing it.

"So what do you want to do, honey?" My mom asked.
"Why don't we do some pedicures?"
"Ok." My mom agreed. She got the nail polishes and me and Jess were doing my mom's nails. We actually had fun with my mom! She wasn't that bad. We had a nice time chatting when she suddenly asks me a serious question.
"Honey, are you going to have sex with that other guy?"

"His name is Alex, and I don't even know if we're dating. So I don't really know."

"It's so obvious he's going to ask you out." My mom smiles.

"I know right!" Jess agrees.

"You really think so?" I ask hopefully.

"Uhh duh!" My mom says.

"Ya, duhh!" Jess agrees.

"When do you think he'll ask me out? Be honest." I ask them.

"It was obvi he wanted to ask you today but you blew him off, for me." My mom points out.

"I know right! You shouldn't of done that." Jess agrees. "No offence Mrs Miller." She adds.

"None taken!" She says. Wow here I was asking my mom and Jess advice on my boy problems. Soo not expected!
"So Jessica, how's it going with Jack?" My mom asks still smiling.

She blushes at this question. "We're great Mrs Miller." She smiles.

"Please call me Charlene." My mom insists.

"Ok, Charlene. I think we're great. It's just....Can I ask you a personal a personal question?"

"Yes, hon."

"When did you and Mr Miller have sex again, after the first time." I widen my eyes at such a question. I DO NOT want to know the answer to that question!

"Well, I think it was... the week after we were invited to this party, and we did it again." She answers freely. I gag at this.
"Honey, if we never did it you wouldn't of been born. So stop the gagging." She lectures me.

"Whatever. You know what mom, you're pretty cool." I say.

"Ya Mrs- Charlene, you're pretty cool." Jess agrees.

"Why thank you." She smiles, pleased at herself. "Well, do you guys think these are done?" She says pointing to the nails we just finished doing on her. "Ya I think so." We say. "Good. Now take it off."
"What, why!?" Jess asks. "Is it not nice?" I ask. "No it's just, I like my nails plain, most of the time. Now take it off." We obey and take it off. We don't bother to do our pedicures because, my mom ruined the moment. So we decide to go to the spa. Returning back to the hotel room an hour later, feeling very relaxed. My phone buzzes in my pocket so I look at my phone. 'You have one new message (Alex)' it says. I open it reading the text. 'I know you said you wanted to spend the day with your mom, but I really want to talk to you. Can you please meet me at the beach?' It says.

"Guys, Alex just texted me that he wants to talk." I say chewing my lip.
"Well, darling you better say yes. This may be the question you were waiting for." My mom smiles encouragingly.
"Ya Charlie. Go ahead, say yes." Jess nods.
I text him back saying 'Sure, when'. He texts me back saying ''s 7 now so.. how about 8?' 'Sure I'll meet you then' I text back. I look at the date which says June 1st. I smile hopeful that by the end of today I'll have a boyfriend. But I'll have to wait and see.

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