You Make Me Smile

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"You're joking, right dude?" Jack laughs.
"Ya, you serious?" Jess asks.
"Ya." He smirks "What do you think Charlie?"
"It's a great idea. Let's do it." I say smiling.
"Well... We could go rent two mattress and blankets and a pick up truck to put them in. You know what...let's do it man." Jack says considering the idea.
"Well, if we do have blankets and mattresses to sleep in I guess it could be ok...." Jess says considering it.
"Ok, let's do it!" I smile. "Come to our hotel room at around 8-ish." I say arranging a time.
"Ok. Come on Jack let's go get the stuff." He gets up putting his hand out for Jack and they're off getting the stuff.
"Come on. We better hurry." Jess says finally getting up. I get up also and we grab our stuff and leave finally realising that everybody else on the beach have left and we were alone on the beach with the guys. I look at my phone checking the time. It's 7 already. "Fuck. it's 7." I say, Jess hearing me.

We leg the rest of the way to the hotel room, changing into suitable pyjamas. I wear a grey tank top with ice-cream PJ pants. Jess wears a green tank top with grey PJ pants putting on some Uggs, me doing the same. We walk out the hotel room gulping at the fact of us having to ask my mom. "Mom, can me and Jess sleep under the stars tonight?" I ask.

"The what!?" She shrieks.

"The stars, by the beach. Is that bad? That we want to sleep under the stars?" I ask.

"No it's just... I never thought my daughter would ever ask me to sleep under the stars before... Aren't you guys going be cold?" She asks.

"No Mrs Miller. The guys are getting a pickup truck with two mattresses and blankets. So we won't even be sleeping on the sand." Jess says reassuring my mom.

"Ok. Sure. Oh and Jessica, have you had sex with that Jack kid?"

Jess blushes at this question. "Yes."

"Oh really! Which condom is better do you think?"

"Thin Feel." She answers.

"Great, next time we'll be sure to get Thin Feel then. Well, you girls enjoy the beach and bring a condom or two."
We nodded in agreement and headed back to our room to get some condoms. When we had put the condoms in our bra, since we have no pockets and don't want to bring a purse, the boys had knocked on the door. We went to get the door, we said goodbye to my mom and headed to the beach. The pickup truck is already there with two big mattresses at the back with some blankets and pillows.

Alex and Jack sit on the edge of the two mattresses put together, leaving me and Jess in the middle. We all lay on our back gazing at the stars, pointing at the constellation, naming what we can and some random shapes. Then we just took a moment of silence while gazing at the stars. I smile at the thought of sleeping next to Alex, being able to wake up next to him in the morning hopefully wrapped around his arms. "Well, we better start sleeping. It's getting late." Jack finally says. He kisses Jess goodnight and both of them are deeply sleeping after 5 minutes. But I'm not. I'm still gazing at the stars when Alex says. "Charlie you awake?"
"Ya I am. You?" I ask.

"Ya." There's an awkward silence when Alex decides to tell a funny joke. "Knock knock."

"Who's there?" I say.


"Orange who?"

"Orange you glad you're here, right now?" He smiles hopeful that I liked the joke.

I turn around to face him. "Ya. Ya I am." I smile.

"So am I." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and gazes deeply into my eyes.
"You look beautiful, under the glow of the stars tonight." He says.

I smile. Then all of a sudden I start to laugh.
"What's so funny?" He smiles.

"Nothing." I continue to laugh.

"What's so funny?" He says still smiling. I lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and I pull away because I just had to smile! "Orange you beautiful!?" He says sounding cheesy.

"That's so cheesy!" I joke laughing some more.

"Maybe it is.." He smiles happy that he made me laugh. I smile at him. "You Make Me Smile." "Brighter than the sun." I add. He kisses me again softly and gently. I kiss him back.
I don't know how long we were kissing but we eventually stopped and fell asleep. My dreams were the best that night. And he truly did make me smile!

A Summer I Never Expected Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin