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When Rin awoke, she wasn't quite sure what happened. The last thing she remembered was being lost in the middle of the forest without knowing how to get back to the mouth of the shrine. 

And now she's there - without memory of what happened. There's heaviness in her head somehow. She felt a headache coming on. 

She took one look back at the forest again furrowing her brows. By this time, the darkness has fallen and she could barely see what's beyond in front of her. 

"Miss, the shrine is about to close." The attendant reminded her politely. 

Rin managed a smile and nodded, stepping away to leave the temple. 


By the time she got home, she was certain something had happened. It felt like a very long dream that she is now just waking up on. 

She casts her gaze inside her apartment. Her furniture remained in the same place. Fruits sitting on the bowl remained ripe and not rotten. Food in the fridge that should have gone to waste long ago are still perishable. And yet, it felt like she hasn't been in her place for so long. 

She must've have dosed off at the shrine for a while.  


It was nothing but silence and whispers at Jiro's manor. He hadn't been the same lately. Better than his usual ill tempered monster moods. But not the same as his more laid back - in love - personality not too long ago - that even Kurama felt sorry for him. 

What a cruel exchange. To lose love for vanity. 

"At least you won't scare off women anymore when you try to flirt with them." Commented Kurama pouring a hot cup of tea for his companion. 

Jiro scowled at him. Seemed like the worst thing to say trying to console a lonely soul. "What the hell is the matter with you? Why would you say something so insensitive?"

"I'm getting bored of you sulking constantly. If you want, I can take you to the brothel next village. There's plenty of good hostesses there." His gorgeous set of electric blue eyes flamed. "I can promise they'll put you in a good."

There's no doubt Kurama is a frequent visitor, Jiro thought. He blew a dismissive breath and lain on his side propped by his elbow. That's not what he wants though. What he wants is sent back in the human world with her memory wiped out. What's worst, he's not even allowed contact her.  "Why would I waste my time on cheap fun?"

"Hmm, don't you know cheap fun is the best kind of fun." 

"Maybe for you Kurama." Jiro teased. "I doubt it'll work on me."

"I'm just trying to help."

Jiro could appreciate the concern, long time ago he wouldn't have thought twice about going, But now, he couldn't even get himself to betray his feelings. 

"That human has really gotten to you, my friend."

Jiro breathed. "She was my last hope."

"Honestly, all I remember is you being mean."

"You must have not been paying attention."

"Maybe she's one of those masochistic humans, you know. I heard there are humans like that. They get some kind of pleasure being tortured or humiliated."

"No, that would be you Kurama. You're the only masochist I know." Jiro laughed. 

"You want me to enchant her?" Kurama offered. 

Jiro paused, temped at the offer only for him to sigh in defeat. "No, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with Cannon-sama. Besides, she'll probably think I put you up to it."

"So, what're you gonna do Jiro? Sit here in the manor until your good looks disappear?"

Seemed like the least of his worries. Vanity is so exaggerated. "I'm hundreds of years old, Kurama. So old, I couldn't even recall. I will look like this till the end of the world."

"At least you still have your ego." Answered Kurama with a laugh. 

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