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Shintaro was a stranger to the conversation although he does not wish to interrupt, he still has a demon to arrest.

"With all due respect, I am but a humble servant to the government." He looked at Jiro then, he had not known about the tricks he did to secure a human girl. It was indeed unlawful in the spirit realm but that was not what he is tasked to do. He'll have to make a report on it somehow, though it appeared the right authority has gotten to him already. "I still need to arrest the faceless demon who claimed so many victims."

The yokai with long blue hair granted him with utmost attention. "I have taken care of the faceless demon."

Disappointment clouded both Jiro and Shintaro's face. Jiro wanted to be the one to kill him.

"But you're in luck because it is not dead. I simply trapped it inside one of my crystals for now." He raised his palm and within in appeared a glove of crystal with dark energy swirling inside it.

All three of them casted their glances at it. "You're free to take him back with you to face justice." He turned to Jiro then, "I cannot allow you to kill it."

"What about the mask? What about Rin's face?"

The yokai vanished the mask from his hand. It disintegrate into wisps until it disappeared into the air. "Do not worry about the human and her face anymore. She should be back to normal."

Relief found Jiro and breathe. There's no reason for him to still be here anymore.

"Not so fast." The yokai continued. "You'll still have to answer to Cannon-sama about your wrong doing."

Before Jiro could protest anymore, magic swallowed him and when the light came back again, he was transported in a different place.

The walls enclosing Cannon-sama's palace was impossibly high. They stretched taller than he could see.

An audience of spirit gathered outside the palace. Ogres, neko spirits, sprites and all the likes. All had lowered their heads in difference as the goddess sat on their throne, but their curious eyes were all gathered at Jiro.

Jiro does not remember the crowd being like this before.

"I have brought the tengu here, Cannon-sama as you asked."

Jiro furrowed his brows, curious now, he lifted his head.

At first, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Yes, the palace were shiny and made of immaculate materials. More spirit servants than his eyes could scan, but other than that, they were no different from how he remembered the palace last time.

At least until his eyes sharpened and look beyond the surface.

Then the sound of awe escaped through his mouth.

"I didn't think you'd open your eyes, finally." Mouthed the blue haired familiar beside him.

A deafening chorus of trumpet blared then out of nowhere, a swift wind lifted Jiro off the ground. It happened so fast that he didn't have time to react.

Jiro was barreling towards the front of the throne that by the time he the wind left he felt like he was going to hurl his guts.

Jiro was in kneeling position before he could even understand what happened. It was vast and wide, its pillars going on as far as his eyes could see. Everything from the floor to the ceiling was the color of yellow and purple.

Jiro tried to strengthen back to his height and get up, but the force unseen pushed him back down.

"It'd do you good if you just stay down." According to Hiro who appeared beside him.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" The goddess' voice came to life, like ethereal thunder. Strong, firm and in command even for sweet voice of a woman.

Goosebumps rose in Jiro's skin. Afterall, she was the one who cursed him to look like a monster for nearly half a century.

"I see you have broken your curse."

Jiro put his chin down. Guilt and shame clouded his conscience.

"I am clearly aware how you managed. I knew you cheated. I knew you took a girl from the human world and force her to eat our food."

Long crooked bolts lashed on each side of him making him flinched at the suddenness of it.

"I made sure I turned you into the most repulsive monster that way no woman would fall in love with you. If you hadn't cheated you still be that monster like I intended to make you for the rest of your life."

"I broke the curse, there were no rules or condition I was given to abide with when you placed the curse. I have 50 years to break it and I did." Argued Jiro.

"You broke the law of our realm." The shimmering light spoke sternly. Then blew a whistling breath. "I should have known you'd break the law doing it, you're a criminal."

Jiro pressed his mouth shut. Anger pulsated in the stream of ethereal light.

"Then what do you intend to do?" He asked after some time. "Place the curse back on me? If that's the case, I don't care. I would return to the manor looking like I did, and offer her a chance to return to the human world."

"You don't have a choice." You'll have to return the human girl back to her world." Answered Hiro nearby. "But I command your willingness to return back to your old form."

He regretted it, at first, Jiro thought he could sway a girl to fall in love with him. He had tried other times, but a spirit is a lot harder to enchant or convince to look passed the outer layer of him. Humans though, they were easy to pursue.

"Then what? What will you do then? Cursed me some more?"

More heaviness and silence fell upon them though the silence did not last long. The goddess seemed to have made up her mind. "No, your curse is broken and you're free to go. However, the girl will be returned to the human world and you'll be forbidden contact from her."

Dissolution struck Jiro."Forbidden to contact her?" Cannon-sama certainly knows how to be cruel and she can unleash the cruelest punishment of them all. "What? You wanted me to fall in love then rip my heart away once it's done?" Jiro tried to hold his breath from breaking.

"It wouldn't have to be this way, Jiro. If only you did it the right way, you could have had your cake and eat it too."

Cannon-sama soon redirected her voice over to Hiro. "Take him home."

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