Chapter 13 - Tempest vs. Orcs

Start from the beginning

""R-Rimuru-sama!"" Both Benimaru and Flamaire stutter in surprise, not expecting me to suddenly address them, much less praise them!

"Benimaru, you are incredibly strong, and Flamaire, your fighting style and use of your unique skill is impeccable." I note. Both of them beam at my praise. "Therefore, I shall be taking you both in as students! It's been a while since I've played sensei, and I'm itching to sp- I mean, teach some people! Kua-ha-ha-ha!"

"R-Rimuru-sama... am I hearing this right?" Flamaire looks taken aback. "A-am I really worthy of being your student!?" She almost crawls up to me.

"Kua-ha-ha-ha! Of course!" I simply reply with my classic response for these situations.

"Yahoo!" Flamaire leaps into the air with excitement. Contrarily, Benimaru has just been standing there the whole time with a calm smile of his face, watching Flamaires antics. After they die down, he speaks.

"I am honored that you would consider me worthy for your tutelage. However, I must respectfully decline, as I wish to return to the ogre village after the war ends." Hiih!? How could you reject a personal offer of tutelage from the great Storm Dragon himself? *sigh* Well, it's to be expected from Benimaru, he never stops acting like a cool Samurai General! How boring!

Flamaire still seems really excited, as she should be when the great Veldora offers to teach her! Learn from her, Benimaru!

After that, I returned to the tree I was standing under, and continued observing my Elite Imperial Troops train.


The next day...

My forces in Tempest are now lined up in preparation for the Orc's attack. Some are nervous, while others are riled up.

In the distance, a huge dust cloud is seen, no doubt the approaching Orc Army.

Indeed, the battle will happen today.

Benimaru, the temporarily-appointed minister of defense walks up onto a stage facing the line of warriors. "Everyone!" Benimaru's voice booms across the field, reaching every warrior standing in the line. "I will now brief you all on the battle plan!"

Benimaru then went on to explain the final battle plan that was drawn the previous night.

The first stage included having the long-range fighters fire wide-range spells like Benimaru's hell flare, to whittle down the numbers of the attacking orcs, as well as carve a path through the orc forces.

The second stage included having our fast moving forces, the Goblin riders, surround the orcs, preventing them from going around the defenses and attacking the city from the side. Meanwhile, the dragonewts will use their fire breath to further clear a path in the orc army, straight towards the Orc Lord.

The third stage was the main battle, where the main battle force, including all of the close-range fighters, would directly engage in combat with the orcs. once we reach the orc lord, my forces will secure a perimeter for me to safely fight the Orc Lord alone, so that I may showcase my glamorous fighting techniques, as well as my strength!

After the Orc Lord is defeated, we will tell the orcs to surrender, concluding the battle. Most importantly, we want as few orc casualties as possible, just enough that we are guaranteed a victory. The orcs were integral in building Tempest in the original timeline, and they will no doubt be in this one.

Of course, the only one in the strategy meeting with such foresight was me! Kua-ha-ha-ha! As expected of me.

[[... -_-]]

I command you to stop that, Great Sage!

Returning to the present, Benimaru had wrapped up his speech with something reminiscent of motivational finisher from classic shounen scriptures. I applaud your wisdom, Benimaru.

As expected of something taken from the wisdom of the Sacred Texts, the warriors cheer excitedly once Benimaru's speech ends.

With that, the Tempest forces take up positions in wait for the enemy to arrive.


An hour later...




The orc army has now arrived within range of our long range magical attacks. As according to the battle plan, Benimaru commands the long-range fighters to prepare to attack.


Around a dozen hell flares, as well as a mix of various other magic attacks, are lobbed at the encroaching army. Each shot lands relatively close to the designated coordinates, and once the dust clears, there is an almost completely empty path towards the heart of the army.

"Prepare to fire again!" Not skipping a beat, Benimaru prepares the warriors for a second round. "Fire!"

This time, however, the results are not nearly as good as last time.

The hell flares detonate upon contact of an invisible barrier, engulfing most of the other magical attacks in flames.

"What!" Benimaru snarls in surprise and anger. "Why do the orcs suddenly have a barrier!?"

"Benimaru." I interjected, seeing as it was a perfect time to dispense my(Great Sage's) wisdom. "The orcs had a barrier set up this entire time, but it was too weak to stop any of your attacks. It seems that the barrier was strengthened after they realized they were within enemy attacking range."

"Argh!" Benimaru takes a few deep breaths, and calms down. "Very well, we shall begin phase 2 and 3!"

The dragonewts, on cue, take off towards the orc army. Meanwhile, the ground forces start making their way into the gap in the orc's numbers. The Goblin riders, Tempest's domestic, and most numerous force, holds off the orcs of the sides while the main forces continue to brawl their way into the centre of the horde.

Ahead of us, we see pillars of flame erupt from the sky, scorching the unfortunate orcs on the ground. The terrifying wrath of the dragonewts.

After over 20 minutes of continuous fighting, the main fighting force has made their way to the Orc Lord. Immediately, six A-ranked Orc Generals pounce on us with great speed, despite their huge bodies. However, the Tempest Imperial forces already boast several calamity class fighters, so these mere orcs cannot even dent them!

"Hoho... so you must be 'Rimuru Tempest'..." A deep, sonorous voice rumbles. "I am Geld, the Orc Disaster, and I shall be the one to destroy you."

I leap ahead into the clearing where the Orc Lord is standing, and with a confident grin, I reply. "Kua-ha-ha-ha! Indeed, I am Rimuru Tempest! It shall be you who will be destroyed today, Orc Lord!"


(A/N): It's been a while since I've written a proper chapter for this story, so there might be a few discrepancies in the writing. Feel free to point them out to me, and sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for reading Velsura!

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