Kushi - Ok. By the way what a surprise ? You came to meet me..... Anything important ?

Arnav - Actually I need your help.

Kushi - What help ?

Arnav - Iam feeling so bored sitting at home alone after you all go to office. So I was asking......

Kushi smacked her head - How fool of me..... I should've understood it before. Don't worry Arnav ji..... I will speak with Papa.

Arnav sighed in relief - Thank god. You understood me even without me saying anything.

Kushi - You are asking me something for the first time. I will see to it. Don't worry.

Arnav - Thank you so much kushi ji.

Kushi - pleasure is all mine.

Arnav smiled to her and went to his room.

Kushi - He knows to smile too..... Great thing.

She also smiled and returned to her sketch back. Arohi came to her room and sat with her clearing some doubts with her.

It was next day evening when Kushi came inside after spending few good amount from Indraneel's credit card. She directly went to Arnav's room.

Kushi - Arnav ji.....

Arnav who was reading news paper raised his head and looked at her who was standing there with a bag. He smiled looking at her.

Arnav - Hi Kushi ji...... Have you spoke with uncle ?

Kushi - Haan. See what I have bought for you......

She extended the bag to him. He frowned confused and got that in his hands. Opening the bag he was stunned as he found a new branded Mobile and Laptop in that.

Arnav - Yeh..... What's this kushi ji ?

Kushi - You were telling that you are feeling bored na.... So I have bought Mobile and Laptop for you.

Arnav forced a smile ' Is it his mistake that he thought kushi to be intelligent ? '

Arnav - And what will I do with this ?

Kushi - While checking the laptop I have stored few films in that. You watch that. It will be a good time pass for you.

He shook his head smiling.

Kushi - What happened ? You didn't like this brand ? Trust me it is very good and will come for long time.

Arnav - Kushi ji..... I wasn't taking about some time pass.

Kushi pouted - Then ?

Arnav - Actually, I wanted to do some job.

Kushi gasped - What ?

Arnav nodded his head - I wanted to do some job and needed your help in convincing uncle.

Kushi - He will not accept. You are still not recovered.

Arnav - Till when I will sit idle like this ? I can't burden uncle anymore. He has already helped me a lot.

Kushi - Arnav ji..... Papa will get upset if he hear you speaking like this. For him you and me are same.

Arnav kept quiet hearing her.

Kushi - You want work right ? Don't worry..... I will speak with Papa. And yes..... I won't spoil it this time.

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