Right... she was my girlfriend. I am the worst human being to use her just to get back at Lucille. Lucille told me be with her, so that's what I did. It was unfair to Cecilia, but I wanted to make Lucille jealous. If she saw me happy with Cecilia, she would want me back, but it doesn't matter now. Nothing matters when she's already got a child with Axel. 

Lucille's POV

(3 days later) 

I am standing outside Ethan's room. Room 305, the plate read outside his room. I take a deep breath and wipe my hands on my dress pants. I was nervous as hell walking into the hospital, but now I am sweating like I was a new med student performing surgery. From outside, I could hear the monitors running. Amelia called me to tell me Mike wanted me to stay with Ethan for the night. It didn't make sense to me because Cecilia had been staying with him for the past couple of days. However, she had a family emergency and needed to head back home for one day. No one would be with him, and as our client, it was my job to ensure his well being. His parents were supposed to fly in tomorrow to see him, and I was the only one could stay with him. I didn't want to and didn't have a choice, but the a huge part of me wanted to see him. I had to see for myself that he was okay. 

I take a deep breath before I twist the doorknob to his room. I quietly step inside the door and walk inside. After I gently shut the door, I could see him sound asleep on the bed. His head was against the white pillow, his broken arm wrapped hanging on top of his stomach and his broken leg propped up with a couple pillows under it. I clenched my hands. My eyes starting watering. I was sad to see him in that state of helplessness and pain. If things weren't so complicated between us right now, I would have ran to him and hugged him as hard as I could and tell him how happy I was that he was alive, but I couldn't. Things are complicated. The hurt I felt when I saw Bianca with him didn't disappear. I am still with Axel, and he was with Cecilia. Most importantly, I am pregnant with his child which he had no knowledge of. I quickly turn around and lean my head to stop any tears from falling. I put the bouquet of roses in my hand down onto a nearby table and pick up the vase sitting on the table. 

Suddenly, I hear, "You came," in a groggy voice. 

I freeze. I squeeze the vase in my hand. It felt like I was caught for a crime, but I wasn't. I take a deep breath and turn around to face  him.

"Yeah, I'm here. Sports Famous sent you these flowers,"  I say awkwardly, pointing to the bouquet of flowers.

He softly smiles. "I was worried."

"Well, the doctors say that you arm and leg will heal in no time--"

"No, that's not what I was worried about."

 I tilt my head not understanding what he else he could have been worried about besides the fact that a car hit him breaking his ribs, arms, and leg. 

"That you wouldn't come see me." 

I pause my movements and look down to the floor. I felt guilty because I wasn't going to. I couldn't face seeing him hurt, but I also knew that seeing him hurt broke my heart. I couldn't tell him anything that was running through my mind. I try to be cool.

"Well, here I am." 

"Thank you...," he says softly. 

There's an awkward silence so I turn back around. 

"Mike wants me to stay here for the night with you. Your parents are supposed to land by tomorrow evening and ---"


I stop talking, not realizing how fast and much I was even saying. 

"Hmm?" I say, turning to face him again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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Simply, I still love you. [Sequel to It's Simple. I Use You. You Use Me. ]Where stories live. Discover now