Club Fair

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The clock struck 4:15 PM and it was time to finally head towards the gymnasium for the club fair. I decided to wait for Horikita for 5 minutes outside the dorm building.

The reason? I have no expectations that she'd actually come, but it would be funny, probably, Ike would definitely laugh.

Anyways after 5 minutes of just staring at the horizon the time ticked to 4:20. Normally people would start to do some illicit things during this time, but worry not, this is a family-friendly fanfiction, no such things happen here!

And at last she showed up.

"Shouldn't a friend show up before the given time?"

"Friend? Never label me that again."

It didn't really hurt me when she said that, because it's Horikita. Although it does beg the question, what is a friend? If I shared a meal with Horikita, would that make us friends? I have meals with my Pokémon so I consider them my friends.

Deep in my monologue I didn't notice that there were some people ahead of us, those people being our fellow classmates. Although we were trying to be on the down low, our class' angels wouldn't let that slide.

"Ah Ayanokouji-kun, Horikita-san, what a coincidence!" said Hirata and Kushida in tandem.

I just simply decided to give an acknowledging nod and a meek wave.

Horikita simply just simply strutted forwards without even acknowledging their existence, how cold.

They simply shrugged it off as it was a daily occurrence. While Horikita fell behind me, Kushida approached me, I think it's because of that.

"Kushida, perfect timing."

"Hmm?" questioned Kushida while tilting her head.

"Remember, I was going to give you a shot at befriending Horikita right?" I whispered in her ear.

"Umu umu." she replied.

"Well, I don't think there's a better time than the present, I'm going to go back to Horikita and wait for my signal, which is when I take my left hand out of my pocket and point my index finger to the ground."

"Roger!" she said with a salute. She walked back to her clique of friends.

I went back to Horikita to make sure she didn't feel lonely, not trying to sound like a certain goldilocks classmate, but I sure am great.

"Horikita, why did you back off when they were approaching us?"

"I simply want nothing to do with them, that is all."

"Hmm, so you don't mind me, should I be honored?"

"Take it as you will."

"I see, since we have some way to go, I wanted to talk about one of the books you've been reading recently."

"I didn't think you'd be the type of person to be interested in literature." she said, sounding surprised, albeit sarcastic.

"I mean I've read a few books in my lifetime, it's a hobby for me, anyways can you give a brief summary of Crime and Punishment? You look so engrossed in that book, so I was wondering if it was worth reading."

"If you want to know about it so badly, I'll talk about the book, it is about..."

While she was engrossed in talking about the book, I gave the signal to Kushida and she started to slow down her pace till she was right next to us.

"I didn't know you were interested in the psychological genre," said Kushida.

Horikita finally returned, she was at first kind of shocked, but dismissed her expression and adorned her signature look.

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