Faithful encounter in the Safari

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After finishing the duel with Ike we had a few more spars and duels. Most of them were pretty equal. But there were a few matches which caught my eye.

For example Hirata most likely intentionally lost to Yamauchi. Even though his fan club was cheering him on the whole time. Another one would be the duel between Matsushita and Yukimura. Matsushita definitely was looking like the victor in the first half of the fight, but in the other half she seemingly got worse. Whether intentional or not is not my concern.

"Congratulations to the victors of the duels, although there was nothing to lose, there were merits to winning these duels. Every victor, come and claim your prize."

"No fair! I would've tried wayyy harder if I knew there were prizes involved!" Exclaimed Ike.

Most people paid no heed to his remarks as him being someone who isn't known for being truthful.

What awaited us on the prize table was... Candy?

It's wrapped in a blue wrapping.

"You might be wondering "What is this candy?", right? Well this is called Rare Candy and it's benefit is that if your Pokémon consumes it, it gets stronger by a Level. You probably have learnt that a Pokémon's max level is 100, so this candy is definitely something that people don't mind having too much of. Each victor gets 2 candies."

Wow, so Pokémon have such a convenient way of training them, but I do wonder if this stuff is safe for human consumption.

Yep, probably not, I feel like it might be laxative-like for humans and that's a bridge I'd rather not cross.

I proceeded to take a pair of this "Rare Candy" and store it in my bag. I'm probably going to treat my Deino to one of these as a reward for a job well done today.

After the mock duels, we were free for the rest of the day so I decided to also buy Deino a reward. Definitely not something that I desire myself, no sir.

We went to the Pokémon store to look for some plushies and I found it.

The ice cream plush.

I can't lie, ice cream is simply the best. If I see an ice cream themed Pokémon, I'm catching it on sight. Your methods don't matter. I don't care what I have to sacrifice, as long as I catch that Pokémon then in the end, I'll be fine.

After buying the plush it was time to head to the dorms.

Nothing disturbed me and my peaceful walk back.

After feeding my Pokémon I got a notification that Deino learned a new move.

<Deino learned Dragon Breath>

So a dragon type move. It has a chance to paralyze, how fascinating.

*The next day*

I head to school and hope for a peaceful walk, that would sadly be a false reality. As soon as I exit the dorm I see a lone girl waiting for me. She's quite popular in class, it's Kushida.

"Good morning Ayanokouji-kun." the bipo- I mean the girl with the bubbly personality said.

"Morning Kushida." I said in a rather lazy way, I hope this lets her know that I'm not in the mood for a conversation.

"Nee Ayanokouji-kun, you're pretty amazing aren't you?"

"What could you mean?"

"I mean the way you battled Ike-kun's Zigzagoon."

"I think I got lucky in that fight, it could've gone anyway."

She shakes her head.

"No, it was like you destroyed him." Her face changed to a rather trance-like smile.

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