SS: Horikita vs Ibuki

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Yo sorry for not writing something more last week, I just basically finished my last stretch in this semester of uni. Basically, I'm good with it till February. I don't know how often I'll update. It's basically a thing where I need to have some sort of idea, otherwise I'll just write some pointless garbage and who wants to read something with no substance?


Before the duel between Ibuki and Horikita.

"Oi, you." said Ibuki.

"What?" answered Horikita.

"You're the one with the Torchic right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You see, I myself have a Chimchar and I was hoping to trade you for that Torchic?"

"Why should I be incentivised to go through with it?"

"How about I offer you 10k private points on-top?"

"You're really desperate for Torchic, huh...

Since you're that desperate it would be truly pitiful if you didn't get what you wanted..."


"20k private points and we have a deal." said Horikita as she took her hand out waiting for a handshake, signaling the acceptance of the trade/deal.

"Tsk." said Ibuki as she started biting her left hand's fingernail in thought.

"Fine, 20k and Chimchar for your Torchic." said Ibuki as she met Horikita's hand with her own to complete the handshake.

"You do know how to trade Pokémon right?"

"It's through the watch-app, if I'm not mistaken?"

"You're not as dumb as you look."

A visible tick appeared on Ibuki's forehead.

"Tch." she clicked her tongue.

<Ibuki's Chimchar and added 20k private points have been offered for your Pokémon Torchic, would you like to accept the conditions?>


After a few seconds.

<Trade has been completed>

"Alright, let's get ready for our duel." said Ibuki with a creepy smile.

"I won." Ibuki murmured to no one.

Let's move to the duel.

Let's say they both have 2 Pokémon remaining.

"(Alolan) Vulpix, I choose you." says Horikita with a superior tone.


"Tyrone, show me your guts." exclaims Ibuki with fire in her eyes.


Please don't imagine it as a stutter, these Pokémon are not in fact Sakura.

"Vulpix, use Ice Shard."


Shards of ice head towards Tyrogue.

"Tyrogue, use Brick Break to break those puny ice shards." says Ibuki with a smirk.

Tyrogue proceeds to light his hands up and starts to break the ice shards, left, right and center.

"Vulpix, don't let Tyrogue rest, use Take Down!"


The Vulpix charges as Tyrogue looks to be exhausted from the barrage of Ice Shard.

"Tyrogue, keep them Brick Breaks coming and hit Vulpix in the noggin'." says Ibuki.

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