"Yes I know you."

"I'm Tee" a beautiful woman introduces herself before introducing someone else
"And this is Jim."
"I have changed my name! Call me Martha."
"Heavens! Nothing will make me say that...from Jim to Martha, unacceptable."

I look at them and my face is getting red because they're making small talk. I don't know what level of language to use when talking to them. They graduated from the same school as Khun Sam, it means they are from high society families, royal family or some famous family.
From what I've seen so far, they're talking like some common people.

"Be polite to her, and don't be rude." Khun Sam calls out to her friends, but they roll their eyes.
"Oops! PP is a good gentlewoman now."
"You better call me Sam. Well, can you pass a menu to my fan?"
Everyone is fighting over the menu. Finally, Kate takes it. She passes it to me smiling.

"You can order anything you want, Jim will pay for us."
"I told you, call me Martha." (Well, I'll call her Martha) She smiles sweetly at me and says, "Go ahead, cutie. I'll pay, today so it is on me. It's a great day."
"It is because today you are going to give us your wedding invitations." Tee tells me about the wedding.
"I'm happy for you." I congratulate her.
"But why would I be happy for her? She wouldn't get married if she hadn't gotten pregnant." Khun Sam says glumly. Martha sticks her finger in her own drink and splashes it on Khun Sam.
"PP! Mon just met me. Respect me."
"Stop calling me PP"
"Kate, hand me the menu. I'll ask our PP" Since Martha is the host for the day, Kate hands her the menu and asks Khun Sam. "What do you want to eat?"
"Whatever, I never get what I want."
"Do you want this... octopus sushi?"
"Right. I won't ask for that." Martha smiles and looks at another page.
"How about this one, tuna sushi?"
"Looks good."
"No it won't do... how about this one, shrimp salad?"
"More or less."
"Okay, no. These are sea urchin eggs, like in the movie Fanday." (Name of a Thai movie)
"They're made from sea urchin testicles, aren't they?"
"Maybe yes. Do you want?"
"Great, I'll order this dish."
Everyone applauds excitedly. Khun Sam crosses her arms and looks at everyone without saying anything. As for me, it's better to remain silent and sympathize with Khun Sam, who is being teased by her friends.
"Irritants... I want to go to the bathroom. Will be right back."
After Khun Sam goes to the bathroom and leaves me alone, they all look at me and then at their watches before saying:
"How long will PP take in the bathroom?"
"She didn't put on makeup. It should take about 5 minutes."
"Jim, you need to make her stay there for like 8 to 10 minutes. And Mon, I'm going to ask you something."
"Yes?" I look at her and felt insecure. What is happeneing? "What's it?"
"You and PP, what is your relationship?"
"Hm? I am just her subordinate."
"Seriously? Then why are you wearing her clothes? I remember these color. You two look like a couple too."
"Ahhh..." I think for a moment and answer truthfully. "Last night I stayed at Khun Sam's house, she had a headache. So I stayed with her."

"Did you two sleep together? She let you into her house?" Tee crosses her arms and looks at me in surprise after hearing my answer. "I, who have been her friend for 10 years, never entered her house. Even when we scheduled something, we met outside. She is afraid of people destroying her house."
"Ahhh... I don't know."
"You're just a subordinate, really?"
"Clear. What else could I be?"
"Wife... Ah... Or husband... but your fingernails are quite long." Kate speaks excitedly. while here I'm hesitant to say something, she raises her hand and scratches her head. "Why is it so complicate? Are you PP's girlfriend? Just answer yes or no."
"Not. I'm just a subordinate. I am not lying to you."
"It can be true. PP doesn't know how to do this." Tee responds "She's not a lesbian, does she know? that PP is too dense for these stuff How dare Jim say that Mon is just like her? Disgusting."
"Everything is possible. Mon is so cute. By the way, didn't she initiated or rolled anything last night?"
"I'm a girl. How would it roll?" I say that because I really don't know what could have happened. They all look at each other to end the interview.
The war is over.
"Is weird. PP let someone into her house." Kate remains confused as the others remain silent, so I ask.
"Is it really that weird? I just spent the night."
"Clear. She doesn't let anyone in. She has her own space. This is why we were all surprised... She doesn't normally introduce us to anyone, but she introduced us to you. It must be because she doesn't want anyone to see the reality of her."
Yes, I am also surprised.
"Even Mr. Kirk, we haven't met him yet." Tee said. "Wait we will do something to know more about this!" they said excited. After few seconds Khun Sam came back and sat down in her place "PP" jim called Khun Sam and asked "Don't you think our Mon is so cute"
Interesting. "No, she's not cute at all."

"So you don't like her?"

Khun Sam is silent for a moment, then answers clearly.

"Um, I don't like it."

Her friends smile. So did I, as I just received information that she is the type of person who says the opposite of what she thinks.


Palpitation.... my heart is beating like crazy again..


{if you liked the chapter, you can vote and comment! I'll be reading them and answering them!! and have a great day ahead}

GAP NOVELOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora