Chapter Eight: Surrounded by Beasts

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The next few weeks just flew by without any changes. Helix only taught Kai ancient magic and nothing else. After a day of studying, Helix would cook dinner. Because of that, Kai felt that he was starting to gain weight every day. Nevertheless, everything just passed by smoothly. Now, Kai could now read ancient languages and common languages without any difficulties. Something like this, to learn two languages at once in just a few weeks is truly unprecedented.

Holding a book in his hand, Kai stared out the wide window and solemnly stared at the winter covering the whole land outside. The north is always in winter, but now that it really is in the winter season, the snow and blizzards are much worse than normal. With a weather like this, nobody would dare to go out...

Kai wanted to head to the nearest village for more information about the current situation but it was not like he can do anything about this weather. There's another way to go to the nearby village but...

"Zein, you've already mastered the two languages. Reading books and learning magic would be easier now. So today, let's do something different."

"So, it's time for me to use magic...? What do I have to do?"

"It's simple. Go out and hunt magic beasts. Bring back at least ten of them."


Kai really appreciates this teacher of his but... Isn't he just too much of a spartan?

Kai took a deep breath as he calmly said, "Hel- Master, I haven't learned a single thing about magic yet. How could I...?" Master is now how Kai calls this man, who almost shoved a fork to his throat when he called him by his name one time during dinner. First, he didn't want to be called 'Helix'. Then, he also refused to be called 'master'. Only when Kai jokingly suggested calling him 'master' did he agree. Seriously, what is wrong with this person?

Feeling wronged, Kai's expression turned quite sad. But Helix ignored it and replied, "You'll learn as long as you experience it yourself. Getting hurt is normal but you don't have to worry about dying. Pain is normal, Don't tell me you're afraid of it?" Helix lately noticed that he's been talking more and more, but he didn't mind. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Kai with questioning eyes.

Before that scrutinizing gaze, Kai was unfazed as he shamelessly admitted, "I am! I don't want to be in pain!"

This response made Helix narrow his eyes on Kai with an indescribable gaze. He closed his eyes for a moment before sighing, "Seriously..." He mumbled softly before he approached Kai. The other, feeling threatened, tried to take a few steps backward but he was too slow to do so. Helix had already grabbed the collar of his clothes and light shone underneath them. Kai was almost blinded by the light that suddenly surrounded him but when he finally came, he was already inside the forest with Helix still holding him. He has yet to prepare himself but Kai was suddenly shoved into the cold snow, and the book in his hand fell from his grasp as well.

Helix bent down a little and grabbed the book before Kai could and said, "What are you afraid of? They are merely magic beasts. With me here, you dare to fear them?" Helix lightly tapped the thick book on Kai's head and cleaned off the snow from it.

"As long as I am here, I won't allow any harm to fall upon you."

Kai lifted his head, placing a hand on the spot where he was just tapped on. Helix's eyes seem to be brighter than it usually is. His long black hair that contrasted the white snowy surroundings looks much more majestic and beautiful.

But Helix wasn't done speaking yet. "But what about when I am occupied? If you do not want to learn and endure a little pain, then how are you going protect yourself?" He didn't wait for Kai to reply before disappearing together with the book for a second and then he reappeared sitting on the sturdy branch of a nearby tree.

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