Chapter Five: Novel's Great Villain

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Kai sat cross-legged in front of the void while holding a large thick book in his hands. Black, round glasses emphasized his prominent jawline. His bright green eyes seem to shine with excitement as he reads the book in silence and peace.

He was an avid reader.

He learns the best from books and loves to read words. The genre doesn't matter, what kind of book it was also didn't matter to him. Every time he learned something, Kai's eyes sparkled with excitement that could be hardly kept to himself. As long as he is able to collect more knowledge from the books, he couldn't be happier. Truly, the words and the formation of sentences from this world are magical.

Although the words were similar to English from his world, it was still hard to understand. But Kai could still feel the powerful words from these books. It was as if Kai was possessed, he was immersed in his own world of reading. So much that his eyes were pretty much stuck like glue to the pages he reads. But because of it, he was unable to notice the addition of a presence in the room.

Helix leaned on the large door frame, behind him is the void and in front of him is the immersed Kai.

Seeing that he was being ignored, Helix raised an eyebrow and finally spoke up in order to get the attention of the other person. "What are you doing, reading on the floor?"

Kai jolted and was forcibly chased out of his reading world once he heard the familiar voice. He raised his head and met the gaze of the same rude mage he had met last week. He was struck speechless for a moment, clueless about what to do next. But Kai's eyes lit up almost immediately, "It's you! You're finally back!" The book in his hands was closed and Kai stood up happily.

Finally, there's another person with him in this castle!

This reaction was not what Helix expected. His eyes widened a little, and it was not so obvious. "Why are you so excited?" He glanced at the books on the floor and the one in Kai's hands. So, since he couldn't leave with the books, he decided to read everything here.

Well… books are meant to be read inside the library after all.

But it's quite inconvenient so Kai wanted to bring some to his room to read. But the formation didn't allow him to do so. Helix sighed, "Grab your books and let's go."

Kai did as he was told and held the thick books in his hands, but he hesitated. "I can't leave with the books."

"You have permission to do as you please in this castle. The formation only doesn't allow those who don't have my permission to leave with the books. Just ignore the void and you could get out."


So he was stuck here for nothing?

Kai frowned upon this realization but he walked towards this stranger willingly. "I really wasted my time and even suffered from the retaliation of the formation…" his mumbles reached Helix's ears. So he grabbed Kai's arm since his hands were busy holding the books. Kai soon started to glow with a dark, reddish light, spooking him.

'Isn't this…?!'

This is dark magic! Hell! The first person he met is really the villain!

He had some doubts but to think that his suspicions would be proven now, how could he react to this? 'What kind of magic is this…? Curse? Dark offensive magic?' Kai felt like crying yet again.

This person was the villain all along, but Kai was saved by him and was even casually talking to him until now. He was rude but he didn't harm him. In the few interactions they had, Kai was always being helped by this person. This time, it seems to be the case as well. The dark red light subsided and Kai returned to normal. The pain from earlier and the aching bruise he got from using magic on the formation suddenly disappeared. Helix let Kai's arm go and scoffed, an unreadable frown on his face.

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