Chapter Two: Cold North and the Duke

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Kai closed the door behind him and stared at the room before him.

For hours, he had wandered into this castle that is larger than a palace. If it weren't for the lack of people in this place, he would've actually thought he was royalty with all the riches, grand paintings, and gold everywhere. Everything was simply too expensive and fancy, his eyes were almost blinded.

Though the castle was filled with riches, it was cold and gloomy. Other than himself, there was no other sign of life.

He felt that this kind of situation is familiar.

Kai walked forward and headed for the bed with a contemplating expression.

A grand castle without personnel to take care of it… Then is there magic behind the scenes that take care of what servants usually do? Then, Kai's really in a fantasy-medieval setting.

Or maybe the servants just had a synchronized day off.

Nevertheless, Kai still felt that it's all weird.

He exhaled softly as he untied the white tie from his neck and then loosened the belt on his waist. Noble clothing is complicated, "I can't understand how these people could wear these kinds of clothes every day." It hasn't been a day yet but Kai already misses the comfortable t-shirts and pants from his world.

Kai was successful in taking his top clothes off on his first try and immediately strode towards the large mirror.

"... Same face, same hair, same height… but why is it that this body is more muscular than mine in my original world?" The scars on his hands weren't his either and the unfamiliar masculinity of this body proved that this body is not his. But that still leaves the mystery as to why his face and this body face are literally the same.

It's not like he measured his hair length but just by looking at it, Kai thought, 'It's like my whole head was copy-pasted here…' the way he phrased it was a bit uncomfortable but Kai ignored it and touched his face instead.

After a short pause, he ran his fingers through his hair. His forehead was exposed and Kai got a clearer look. "Even this is here." The small scar, barely visible unless one looks closely, was there. The same scar he had on his original body.

He couldn't remember how he gained that but his mother said that when he was a kid, he fell and got that scar. She didn't explain it any further and he didn't ask either. It was just a normal scar after all. But now, seeing so many similarities and differences between this body and his original body, Kai felt that it was not just some kind of coincidence. He has read too many mystery novels to just rule this out as a coincidence.

But Kai simply sighed and pushed his suspicions out of his mind for a while.

If there really is something, then everything would just reveal itself eventually. He has more things to worry about, not just this mystery that he has no clue about yet. No need to be so desperate for answers.

Thinking of that, Kai changed into a new set of clothes. This time, however, he wore a set of comfortable clothes. But that didn't mean he lost the elegance and majestic aura this body had. Kai really couldn't help but admire,

This is his face but he feels much more handsome ah!


After checking the whole castle, Kai left the place to head to the nearby village. He found a large map plastered on the wall in one of the rooms. This castle is near the kingdom’s border, apparently.

The border, a river.

Since this place is quite far from civilization, there were no roads or anything. There is one but because of it never being used, the path has disappeared with the grasses and plants growing on them. Surrounded by forest, it was impossible to see any other structures inhabited by humans.

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