The first class was english for everyone else after all I've been mastered it. But instead of English or Japanese I was told to learn French as a third language to which I kinda struggled at. Who knew Present Mic knew French.

We also did math with Pro hero Snipe and Modern Hero Art History with Midnight.

Alrighty that was confusing what was the point in learning that It was a normal day for whatever teasons it felt really short to everyone in class.

But not for me though because shortly after all the classes I was at lunch time already because luckily the cafeteria already had hot dogs and chili. That was all I needed nothing could bring my mood down.

I grabbed a that as I strolled over to the food line with a pep in my step as I did. The line of students weren't long but it wasn't going as fasr as he would like it either.

Awhile I waited I took in my surroundings, as my ears picked up the loud chatter of endless students. There were so many people of different shapes and sizes either looking for seats or chowing down on there lunches. And most of the tables were already taken at this point. I tried to look for a empty non taken seat.

I honestly wasn't planning on spending time with Deku or the others more than usual. Not saying I dont like them I explicitly do not want to affect the main cast already like how I kinda did with that I think about Mina was the same anyway.

But as soon as It was my turn I stood on my tipy toes.

Sonic: Lunch rush I would like 10 chilidogs please oh and some spring if you have any?

Lunch Rush: Sure I oblige you not to eat too much chili next time it can give you a massive stomach.

The hero warned as Sonic shrugged.

Sonic: Don't worry Lunch Rush I'll just burn off calories when I run so no sweat.

Luckily the chef obliged as eager to eat I looked around to find a place to eat.

I walked around for a bit intil I eventually found a empty table. It was too perfect to say the least I didn't spot anyone I knew so I decided to plop down comfortably.

Sonic: Ugggh finally how I've waited soooo long for you my precious!

I said as i began to pat the first chili dog intil I began to scarf down the meal like mad man.

Because in speeds not even Allmight cant ever hope to match I was at moving speeds so fast it seemed they were two of me as I scarfed down the chili dogs.

And as I finished the meal I sat my blue but back down as i-


I burped so loud the sound echoed through out the cafeteria as everyone in vicinity looked around in confusion not to sure where the sound came from.


Bakugou shouted as he accidentally dropped his food.


I decided to zoom out the cafeteria after that as I walked down the halls of U.A.

Quick Timeskip

Sonic: Mann to think my burp was that loud I should've held i- what the fuck Mineta!?

I found the little perv as I walked by a group of female students awhile I was walking upstairs. They'd given me looks of awe as they're eyes were so fixated on my appearance. Alright this was starting to get more annoying like I understand if some chick's think Sonic is adorable that's understandable they like cute things. But I know Sonic doesn't look so cute every girl is goona have a heart attack looking at me at least in my universe. I'm surprised no one is like why does kid look so much like a animal in shoes on.

My Hero Academia Transported My Hedgehog Academia Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя