You were the sweetest apparition, such a pretty vision, jo (1)

Start from the beginning

"This place is all year round." You explained, scanning the floor map for what she was looking for. "Oh, I know why you're lost," She looked at you, confused. "You're on the wrong floor, babe." You pulled her to the other map, ignoring the tingling feeling. Your eyes looked over the map, them finally landing on the Fun-time Ice Cream Bar. You tapped the spot. "This is the place?" Jenna nodded, staring at the path. She still looked confused, which made you laugh again. "How 'bout I show you where this place is," Your finger traced the path. "I can even give you a tour after."

You gave her a look, trying to convince her. Your heart thumped, you stopped yourself from giving her a catch, knowing what you would say and how you would embarrass yourself. You watched as she bit her bottom lip, thinking. "Is there a catch?"

You squinted at her, before looking away. "How long are you staying here?" You asked, leaning on the map. 

"Month and a half, I think." She answered. You started to wonder if she always looked so confused. You nodded, clearing your throat.

"Well, I was thinking, maybe we can hang out? There an arcade, and a club, fuck there's even like a lookout." You mumbled, getting off the map and scratching the back of your neck. You avoided her stare, a smirk on her face.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" You scrunched your face. "I don't even know your name, stranger." 

You broke out into a smile, rolling your eyes. "Y/n, Y/n L/n." You introduced, leading the way. She glanced at you.

"No way, I love your shit." She exclaimed, making you laugh and shake your head.

"I love yours too, Jenna Ortega." You leaned to her, making her roll her eyes. "Seriously! You in The Fallout?" You did a chef's kiss, which made her laugh. You felt your stomach flutter. "I love that movie so much."

The two of you just joked around the whole way, you tried your best with stalling, pointing out different things. But alas, all things come to an end, the two of you arrived at the ice cream bar. "This is where we part." You motioned for the bar.

"Thanks for this, y/n. I really appreciate it." She put her hand on your arm, warmth went through you.

"'Course, Jenna. I got you." You sent her a wink, missing the blush that was on her face. 

"Maybe I will take you up on that date." She poked your chest, making you look at her with a raised eyebrow. You felt your heart thumping against your rib cage.

"Really?" You felt your cheeks grow hot. She just smiled at you, killing you inside.

"Why not? A hot tour guide slash big time actress asking me out? Fever dream to me." If you weren't blushing, you definitely were now. 

You let out a cough. "Um, who are you supposed to meet with?" She giggled, looking out.

"Oh shit, I actually see her right now." She waved at a person in the distance. She looked back at you. "I'll see you later." She winked, walking off. You almost let out a scream, speed walking away. 

You got to the lobby, seeing Madelyn waiting for you. Your eyes widened as you jogged over to her. "Sorry, I got occupied."

"By what?" She looked around and behind you, seeing no one. "Is there a girl or something?" Your cheeks flushed again at the interaction with you and Jenna. Madelyn noticed, her lips falling into a smirk. "There is a girl? And you just got here? God damn, y/n." She laughed, slightly shoving you with her shoulder.

"Whatever, Mads," You muttered, flustered. "Let's just get to your room. Did they give you the one next to me?"

She nodded, holding up the key. "As always. Did you get her name?" You rolled your eyes at her incessant need for details.

"Yes, actually, you probably know her." You told her, getting in the elevator with her. It went quiet for a second, she looked at you, wanting you to continue. You pursed your lips, looking at the arrow at the top of the elevator. The elevator dinged, signaling that they've hit the floor. You finally noticed how she was looking at you. "What?"

You held the elevator open to help her get out. "Are you going to tell me who she is?"

"Oh, uhh," You pursed your lips again. "Jenna Ortega, you know from like The Fallout or like Wednesday?" She unlocked the door to the room, heading inside first, with you following.

Madelyn nodded, taking in the information. "So, did you like ask her out or something?" You made a face. "I can't tell what that face means."

"I brought her to the ice cream place, I'm also supposed to give her like a tour later." You mentioned, bracing yourself for when she shakes you.

"What!" She exclaimed, a shocked look on her face. She dropped her bags on her bed, walking up to you. She grabbed your shoulders, making you scrunch your face. "Does that count as a date? I feel like it should." She started to ask you details, to which you just shrugged. "Come on, y/n! Didn't you ask for details?"

You pursed your lips once more, squinting again. You opened your mouth to explain, but then shut it quickly. "To be fair, I'm pretty sure she was flirting with me, and I was like really fucking flustered to ask details." You watched as she rolled her eyes at you. "You're acting as if this isn't a fucking lodge in the middle of the woods and I won't ever run into her."

"Whatever, just tell me what happened." She pulled you over to the bed as you start recollecting the story to her.

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now