Hell to Pay

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Candor carries Ciel over his shoulder, and Hale and I lead the way up toward the waning orange sunset light casting into the cave entrance. I hold my hand out, signaling for Hale to stay back. One guard stands just inside the entrance, a few yards back from the guard house, his back to me. My felt slippers are silent along the stone floor as I sneak up behind him. I jump him, clamping my forearm across his throat, using my other arm to lock it in place and cover his mouth to keep any unwanted noises from escaping. The man claws at my arms only briefly, before going limp. I lay him down gently, moving on to my next target.

Only one is in the guard house, the others down by the docks. I take down the one in the guard house, shoving him behind a box. Footsteps approach, and I shoot myself up, toward the ceiling of the little room. It's a small space, and by stretching my arms and legs out in either direction, I am able to hold myself flat against the ceiling.

The man enters. "Samwen? Where'd you run off-"

I drop down on top of him, dragging him down onto the floor with me. He struggles for longer than the first one, but eventually he also goes limp in my arms.

I push him off of me, standing and motioning for the others to come forward. I peer out of the cave entrance. Four dockhands mill about below us, one of the guards down with them. The dockhands hold little to no threat; it's the guards who carry weapons. The Albatross floats just offshore, far enough away so as not to draw attention, but close enough to swoop in once Hale gives the signal.

Hale appears next to me, the others behind him.

"Five more. Only one is a guard. The others aren't too much of a threat."

He nods. "Ready when you are."

My fingertips tingle in anticipation, and I trace a circle on my forehead, asking Kindre Fie for protection. "After you."

Hale raises a hand in the air, and fire shoots from his palm. My breath catches in my throat. His control is brilliant. Having sent the signal, he quells the fire. "Let's go."

He and I hurry down the slick black stairs of the prison, Cozen following behind. One of the dockhands catches sight of us. "Arrax, get back inside, boy! You know you're not allowed out here!"

"We're taking him up to Velius." I command, trying to summon as much power into my voice as I can. Taking this kid with us wasn't part of the plan, but there's no turning back now.

"The kid doesnt leave the island." Suddenly, the guard is in front of us, blocking the narrow staircase. He draws his sword.

Hale pushes me behind him. "Don't you raise your sword to me." His voice is low and threatening.

"Why is the future WitchMaster breaking two lochri out of Vjengardta?"

"Why is a guard drawing his sword against the future WitchMaster?"

"Don't make me use it."

The two of them stare at each other for a moment, sizing each other up. In a flash, Hale draws his greatsword. "I've been cutting down those much more dangerous than you. Don't be fooled into thinking you stand a chance against me."

"Hale. Don't." I warn. If he kills the guard, we aren't coming back from this. Killing a prison guard to free two lochri isn't a good look.

"Put me down." Ciel's small voice commands from behind me. "Cozen let me down, please."

"I don't want to kill you." Hale tells the guard. "But I will."

The guard charges, and I spring forward, trying to get between him and Hale. Suddenly, the stone under the man's feet shoots upward. Hale and I fall backward as the guard's body arcs through the air, splashing into the dark water. He surfaces a moment later, treading water.

I look back at the terrous boy behind us. He lowers his hands, allowing the stone to slip back into its place.

"Ace, I swear if you try to jump between me and a moving sword again..." Hale threatens vaguely as he stands, pulling me up. "Let's go." I follow behind Hale down the stairs toward the docks. The dock hands all watch us go, despite the shouts from the guard to stop us.

We reach the docks just as Candor begins to pull the boat up. He tosses me a rope, but I toss it back. "Not tying up. Cozen, take the boys and go." I tell the tall man behind me.

Cozen does as I command, jumping down into the ship, causing it to rock hard in the waves. Only then does he allow Ciel off his shoulder. Hale picks up Arrax, lowering him onto the deck below. "What about you two?" Candor calls.

"Take them all offshore. We'll make contact soon." I tell him. I plant a foot on the boat and push it out into the open water.

"Keep them safe, Candor!" Hale yells.

I stand slowly, watching them sail out into open water, then look up at Hale.

"We are royally fucked." He mumbles.

We turn back toward the dockhands, and Hale drops his sword onto the wood planks below. We hold our hands up in surrender. The guard pulls himself up out of the water, anger in his steps. "Velius is going to have a hay day with the two of you!"

He wrenches my hands behind my back, tying them together with rope, and ties up Hale as well when he's done.

I keep my eyes firmly set on my toes. There will be hell to pay.

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