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The sun is only just beginning to pinken the clouds from its place under the horizon when Velius summons me, and it's nearly half up when he tells me the news. Anger and fear surge through me. He'd allowed himself to be caught? So this is what the Ace had been talking about last night. The information, it was about Candor, and this is what she meant by rough. Did she find out about Jules and Avenna? It couldn't have been what she was expecting. Did she think he was sympathizing with the lochri? He wouldn't associate with the lochri. He would, however, sneak out every night to see his girls, which I should have seen coming. I should have helped him somehow, been more firm with Velius in asking for special permission for some Hunters to live in town.

But I dropped it, like a good little Hunter, and now Candor and his girls will pay for it. I swipe a hand across my eyes. Candor will never be allowed to stay in Kindleridge. I'm going to lose my best friend today. The pressure increases in my forehead as the realization hits me. Best case scenario he loses his job and is forced out of Kindleridge. Worst case, Vjengardta for the lot of them. I can't let this happen. I have to do something, even if it means admitting to Velius the secret we've been keeping. "Velius-" I start, but the doors to the Great Hall swing open behind me and the Ace walks in, hood up, looking worse for wear. She stops in front of us and kneels, her cloak covered in dirt and bits of hay. "My Lords." she says, her voice heavy with exhaustion.

"Rise, Ace. What have you gathered?"

She stands, holding it together well, though it's clear she hasn't slept. Her eyes dart to me for just a moment before landing back upon Velius. "Candor snuck out again last night. I followed him when he went. He ended up at Menagerie, My Lords. I stayed all night on a roof across the road, but he hadn't emerged by the time the sun rose and I was forced to report here."

The Menagerie? I feel the blood drain from my face. Candor went to the Menagerie? A pit forms in my stomach. He's cheating on Jules? After all she's done for him, now he's throwing himself at Menagerie girls? A tiny ember of anger burns away inside my chest.

"Do you think he's gone to Menagerie every night?"

"I have no reason to believe he's gone anywhere else, My Lord. He had no idea I was following him."

I have no doubt about that. Candor and Cozen can't seem to sense her presence at all. No one can. For some reason, it's just me. Her silence tugs at me, like a child begging to be held.

"Very well. I'm relieved." Velius turns to me. "When Candor returns, send him to my office." He turns, his grey robes dusting over the stone floor as he retreats into his study.

The Ace sways slightly in front of me.

"You should get some sleep." I tell her.

"If I did that, who would ensure you don't get mugged by your own denizens?" Her voice is low, face concealed by the cowl.


At her title, she looks up at me, her small tired face in view once more.

"Ace, be honest with me." I lower my voice to barely above a whisper. "Did Candor really go to Menagerie last night?"

I know its a stupid question. The Ace doesn't lie to Velius. No one does. Well, except for Candor, Cozen, and I. That's different.

The Ace's eyes narrow. Now she thinks I'm accusing her of lying.

"You can tell me, is all I'm saying. He- he didn't really go to Menagerie, did he?"

Her eyes dart back and forth between mine, searching for something. "You... do you... know?" Her eyes widen suddenly. "Of course you know! You all arrived on the same ship, didn't you?" She steps even closer to me, whispering. "You allowed him to-"

"So he wasn't at Menagerie?"

"He was at a house."

"In the upper town?"

The Ace nods.

"And you saw Jules and Avenna?"

"I did." Her eyes continue to search mine, her black irises nearly the same color as her pupils.

"Why did you protect him? You owe him no loyalty."

Something flashes behind her eyes, a certain look, almost longing. She blinks, and it's gone. "I have my reasons. Aside from that, I believe Candor is a good man. A good man should keep his family."

I nod. "He is a good man. Thank you, Ace, for protecting him."

Her dark eyebrows shoot skyward at my words. "You're thanking me for lying to Velius Dag?"

"I'm thanking you for protecting my best friend. And his family."

"Well," she turns away from me, heading toward the door. "My Lord, thank me by not going out for a few hours, would you?"

I chuckle. "Once Candor gets back I'll send him to Velius, and then I'll need to speak with Velius as well when they're done. That should give you plenty of time."

"Yes, M'Lord."

The Ace struggles only momentarily with the egregiously heavy door before her hooded form slips from view.

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