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Hale told us to look sharp. Apparently the Ace suspects trouble tonight. Nervous jitters race through me as Cozen and I load up into an ornately decorated cart, pulled along by two painted field oxen. It's been six years since we rode in the Cleansing parade. I forgot the excitement that runs through the town. Cozy stands next to me, just slightly taller, in a crimson tunic and his Hunter's vest. He's the only one of us that opted to wear a shirt. It's been 16 years since I was attacked and Cozy was burned. Sixteen years since my twin brother was scarred, both inwardly and outwardly. He hasn't been the same since, but then again, would anyone? He saved my life, and half his body is scar tissue now thanks to me. He insists it wasnt on me, but I will never let go of that guilt.

I can see the nerves on Cozy's face. He likes the attention even less than me, and I can hardly blame him. He draws eyes, even fully clothed. The burns to the right side of his face ensure that. His hair can only cover so much. His bare left hand grips the rail of the cart so hard his knuckles turn white. I feel for my twin. Ever since that day, I had only seen his skin a handful of times. He's so ashamed that he hides even from me, the person closest to him. I've told him countless times that his burns are nothing to be ashamed of, that those burns prove he's a hero.

He always changes the subject.

I take his gloved right hand in my left and squeeze. It takes a moment, but eventually he squeezes back. I give him a reassuring smile. "We got this."

His hair slides sideways and I catch a glimpse of burned skin as my brother smiles. "Damn right we do."

I scan the crowd as our oxen plod along up the hill toward Fortress. Cozy and I wave to the bystanders, but I'm looking out for two very special faces. Hale allowed Cozy and I to sneak away last night, and I was able to spend time disguised as a commoner with my girls. Avenna had never experienced the Cleansing Festival and seeing her pretty little face light up at all the flames and sparkles caused such a rush of both happiness and sorrow. She's in love with the city, the life, and the lights. If the city knew what she really is, she would be killed, along with her mother and I.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, and find Cozy giving me a questioning look.

"It's fine." I say, plastering a smile back upon my lips. My fingertips can just barely brush up against the lanterns hanging strewn across the street. The yellow orange light casts a warm glow upon all of the people, a stark contrast to the chill night air. Goosebumps rise on my skin. Oh how I'd love to be cuddled up on the couch with my girls right now, a fire in the fireplace, Avenna asleep on my lap. I so desperately want to live like that. One day.

One day, when Hale is WitchMaster. Then we can have that life. Then I can have my girls.

Two strawberry blonde heads peek from the crowd. "Cozy." I say, and can sense more than see him turn to me. "The girls."

A broad, happy smile fills my face when Avenna sees me, and I blow the two of them a kiss. I can't keep my eyes on them for too long or risk giving us away, but ripping my eyes from them feels impossible. One day, my girls.

The parade is long, winding through the streets of the Ridge. All is quiet, as quiet as a festival can be. No sign of danger. Maybe the Ace was worried for nothing.

The parade concludes in the city circle, just down from Fortress. The carts circling around the fountain, the symbol of Kindleridge carved from marble in the center. It doesn't escape me, the irony of our town symbol. A candle and a ring for a town once burnt to the ground. Our carts slow to a stop on the cobbles, and the citizens begin to stream into the circle from the direction we came.

Four figures on the far side of the circle catch my eye. Four cloaks. Black, Orange. Yellow. It can't be.

"Ko-" I begin, but the four figures are suddenly engulfed in flame. I whip my bow from my back, knocking an arrow as gasps and screams ring out behind me. I'm the only long range Hunter. It's up to m-

Four booms shake the air. Four gunshots. Each of the flaming bodies drop. I look around, searching the rooftops. The Ace.

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