Chapter 9 - A New Probl- Prophecy

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"Izuku stop messing with her." Momo tells him, hitting him in the back of his head.

"Alright, alright." Izuku says, letting go of Ochako's hands. "Sorry but messing with you is pretty fun."

"Ass." Ochako comments.

"I like this new Deku." Katsuki says laughing at Izuku.

"Do not get involved Mr. 'I think the Daughter of Aphrodite is hot'." Ochako scolds him causing him and Momo to blush at the comment.

"Next time we spar at CJ, you better pray to dad and your mother because I will not be holding back at all." Katsuki threatens her.

"Oh really? Need I remind you what happened the last time we sparred at CJ?" Ochako asks him. "Because as far as I remember, you were knocked out for a day."

"Enough. Both of you. Get a move on it. NOW!" Coach Bush yells as the group walks towards the Big House.

The quartet walked with the two adults to the Big House, with Izuku catching up with Katsuki along the way. The two boys didn't usually meet and outside of a single 2 week long trips to Japan that happened 3 years ago, they didn't really spend a lot of time together or meet for that matter. Demigod missions really took up a lot of their times.

"So, why are we here anyway?" Ochako asks Chiron and Bush.

"We will get to it when we get to the Big House." Chiron answers.

"It's a new prophecy, isn't it?" Izuku asks him.

"What makes you think that?" Chiron questions.

"Well, there is that dream from my first night here. A demigod dream as you called it. And if what you've told me true then, a prophecy coming up now makes sense. And the fact that romans are here." Izuku answers. "Among other things." He continues, looking at the two roman demigods.

"So, there is a brain somewhere in that moss." Ochako snidely comments.

"I may not be a child of Athena but I'm smart in my own right. Even if I don't like to read much." He says, looking at Momo as he said the last part.

"The answer is yes. But I can't reveal much right now." Chiron answers as they reach the cabins and walk straight to the Big House.

"This place hasn't changed." Katsuki comments.

"It never does." Izuku answers with a smile as the group walks into the Big House. [I feel like I've written Big House too many times....]

Once they group was inside, they were greeted by a few older kids.

"Get the introductions out of the way." Bush bleats(?).

"Mirio Togata. Son of Mercury. Centurion of the Second Cohort." A blonde boy with blue eyes answers. [Fun fact, in HOO, the centurion of the second cohort, Larry, is also a Son of Mercury. And no, this wasn't planned. But it was an interesting coincidence.]

A boy with silver hair stared at Izuku. Everyone could feel the temperature lowering slightly.

"What are you staring at?" Izuku asks the boy, staring back at him.

He steps closer to Izuku. "Nothing much now that I've taken a closer look." He answers, a scowl on his face.

"Listen buddy, I'm not sure what your problem is but if you want to fight, there's a sparring arena outside." Izuku tells him.

"Izuku...." Momo mutters, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down. They're allies."

"You should calm down too Kuroiro." Ochako intervenes. "Besides, as far as I've seen, Izuku can beat you with one hand tied behind his back."

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