Chapter 6 - Camp Half-Blood

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"I'm going to go on a limb here and assume that the pillars read Camp Half-Blood?" Mitsuki asks Hinata.

"They read Στρατός 'ημιθεος." Izuku answers.

"Doesn't make it any better but thank you Izuku." Mitsuki says with a smile.

"It does read Camp Half-Blood and you are correct Izuku." Hinata answers.

"Hey, how'd he read that? We've never learnt it in class." Katsuki asks.

"Well Katsuki, that's because of the Greek blood that runs in him. It allows him to read ancient and most of the time modern Greek with ease. Just like how you can read Latin." Hinata explains. "I'll show you around first then we'll meet up with Chiron."

The group starts to walk towards the Big House when there's a sudden commotion in the camp. Confused by the sudden commotion, Hinata stops one of the campers. "Hey Chase, what's going on?"

"We just got word that some gods have arrived at camp." The boy, Chase, answers.


"Don't know. And honestly, I don't care. We get to meet the gods, isn't that exciting?" Chase says as he dashes away.

"Well, looks like you three get to meet some gods early on." Hinata tells the trio from Japan as they follow the crowd to the Big House.

"Who made this place?" Izuku asks Hinata.

"Well, it was made by Chiron, over a time span of thousands of years." Hinata answers. "And since then, it has been growing and growing. Somewhere along the line, the Gods decided to enchant the place to keep it safe from the environment and monsters."

Once they reached the Big House they were greeted by a bunch of people, kneeling in front of 4 figures who stood on the porch of the Big House.

"There they are!" A half-man, half-horse says. "Hinata, get the three of them up here. Lord Poseidon and Lord Mars have come to visit them."

The campers turn to see the four of them standing right at the back and make a path for them to reach the Porch.

Hinata leads the trio to the porch before walking back down. Why? Well, it was in a way a family reunion, so he didn't want to be a weird extra wheel during that.

Izuku and Katsuki stood awkwardly in front of the four men as Mitsuki just stood, shocked as she stared at the man wearing battle gear.

"Hey Mitsu." A man says, greeting the ash-blonde woman in Japanese. "Is that little Katsuki? Hey Champ."

Katsuki looks at the man confused. "Who are you?"

"Right.... I am Mars, the God Of War. Well, at least the Roman one." Mars says. "I'm your father."

"I don't believe it." Katsuki says.

"Well, he's speaking the truth." Mitsuki says. "He is your father. Though he hasn't paid child support."

"I am going to do now." Mars says handing Katsuki and Mitsuki a few bags of denarii.

"What's this?" Katsuki asks.

"These are denarii. The Roman currency that can be used at Camp Jupiter and New Rome." Mars explains.

"Does Izuku get any?" Katsuki asks.

"No, my boy. They two of you are from different. You are a Roman Demigod while Izuku is a Greek Demigod. This means that you two will stay at different camps. While still being able to meet each other occasionally." Mars says.

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