Me: Studio..

Prince: Oh...

Me: Yah so whats you need?

Prince: I wanted you to know that me and Jae broke up.

Me: I know she told me..

Prince: Oh. I did it to be with you..

Me: Oh really?

Prince: yah.. But idk now!

Me: WHAT!?

Prince: Ali you screwed up!

Me: How! What did i do! I did nothing to you!

Prince: Remember you and Ray in the Closet.

Me: That was nothing!!!!!!

Prince: Making out in the closet is nothing? You and him hooked up!

Me: So!!! We dont go out! I dont like him enough to be his girlfriend.

Prince: Oh really! then what was that called then!

Me: F.W.B!

Prince: You two! Are F.W.B! That makes it worse

How can i date someone that i like and know she would be kissing some other guy!

Me: First We dont even date yet! Second its only because

He wanted to date jae and i wanted to date you but yall were together.

Prince: Well you could have said something before that happened!

I hung up on him. He has officially pissed me off! How can

he not trust me. I mean i see where he was coming from but still!

Then my phone vibrated again. I answered it with out looking.


Mom: Girl you better watch that mouth before i knock you into next week.

Me: OH! Mom i thought you were someone else.

Mom: I dont give 2 s**ts who you thought i was! You dont need to be cussing anyways!

Me: Anyway. what do you want!

Mom: Am i hearing an attitude??

Me: MOM!!

Mom: Anyways did you get the song finished..

Me: Yes!

Mom: Okay.. When You three are about to leave there is something for you.

Me: Okay!!

Mom: Make sure you give the song to me. I can keep it and give it to John.

Me: Alright. Okay.. Bye

Mom: Bye!

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I went back into the room

Keke: Aaliyah who was you yelling at..

Me: Princeton his a ugh.

Keke: What happened!

Me: I'll tell you later okay!

keke: Okay..

me: Oh. My mom said i can give her the song to give to John.

Jae: Okay here.

jae Handed me the papers.

Jae: I guess we should leave!!!!

Me: Yepp. We all 3 left the room and went down to the lobby.

Lady: HEY!

We stopped in our tracks. We all turned around at the same time.

Lady: You with the Purple Hair!

Me: Me?

Lady: No the Tree in the corner! Yes you!

Me: What?

Lady: Whats your name!

Me: Why!

Lady: Because.

Me: Aaliyah Minaj!

Lady: You Nicki's Kid.

Me: yah!

Lady: Have an unpleasant evening..

Me: B***

We walked out the doors and walked to the side of the building.. And Parked side by side

Were 3 Lamboghini's! A Purple One, Green One, and Pink one!!!! 

The purple one was in the middle and it had a folded up piece of paper.

We walked over to it. i opened it. i read it out loud.

Me: This 3 cars are for you girls. You have worked hard.

The purple one is Ali's. ( i got the key off)

The yellow one is green one is Keke's. (i handed her the key)

The pink one is Jae's.. (She got the key)

Please dont wreck these.


Nicki, Keri, and Beyonce!



Me: Lol!!!

I unlocked the car and got in. I shut the door locking it. The seats were blacked blakc with purple


I put the key in and started it! The car roared! i turned on the radio and Starshhips was on.

I turned it up and rolled down the window.

I backed up and pulled out from the parking lot. I drove home. I pulled up to the drive way

and parked infront of the house. I rolled up the windows and turned off the car. I grabbed the

papers and got out. I locked the car and walked into the house.. 

Me: MOM!!!!!!


-Well another strange chapter posted!!!!! have fun reading this!-

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