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"Define stranger," Will said as he heard the new chapter title with his own confusion. "Is it someone weird at camp, or somebody he actually doesn't know?"

"As long as it's not candy, come on Percy, your mom taught you better," Alex chuckled.

"As long as it's not from Tantalus," Percy corrected, "then I give anyone permission to kill me on insanity."

"He's not a stranger Percy," Thalia rolled her eyes. "You really are the worst at this."

"He's the strangest person I've met!" Percy protested back.

"You'd never accept any gift from him, so he's still out," she insisted.

The two looked likely to start bickering particulates of this until Jason quickly waved Alex on before he got to invested in the argument and tried to place bets.

... if Annabeth, Tyson, and I hadn't disturbed them with our bad chariot driving.

Percy switched his annoyed little frown from Thalia to a full blown scowl at the book, resisting saying any number of things to the dead who wasn't here by muttering under his breath plenty that made Thalia keep laughing. The others heard snatches of the words like "donuts," and "eat shit," so thought it best to let that be.

... I told Tantalus to go chase a doughnut.... had to wear asbestos gloves and aprons.

"I have so many questions," Magnus looked equally perturbed and intrigued. "Where does the lava come from? Do you still use soap?"

"I don't know, and no," Percy answered.

...a full-course meal featuring country-fried Stymphalian death-bird.

"That almost would have been nice if I didn't want to have Tyson scrub him with lava," Will scoffed.

"I'll give you a hint. What do you get when you skin a ram?" "Messy?"

"If you do it wrong, I guess," Jason looked sort of disturbed at the idea of Percy and sheers, which was kind of hysterical as nobody had batted an eye when he'd been given a sword.

"Does Annabeth know how to do that too!" Alex threw his hands up in exasperation.

Magnus pursed up his lips and resisted asking if you could get a pelt from a satyr, that would definitely get him stabbed.

...You do know the story of Jason and the Argonauts?"

Percy watched in amusement as others were apparently more in the dark on this than him for once, only Will and Thalia seemed to know what was going on, as usual. "You guys never saw that old movie?"

"Define old," Nico muttered. He was still getting caught up on pop culture movies, let alone anything earlier between his constant roaming.

"I've had other things going on," Magnus reminded, though he'd never come out and said he was homeless, the others had guessed he wasn't in the best situation.

"It's now on my to-do list," Alex assured, he loved old Claymation movies when he could ever get his hands on them, which was very rare.

Jason remained suspiciously silent. Even if he would have admitted to his amnesia now, it was to strange to think he didn't know his namesakes story anymore than his own, and just sent him down a rabbit hole of wondering who had named him and why.

..."old movie with the clay skeletons." Annabeth rolled her eyes. "You are so hopeless."

"Because he doesn't know every trivia fact from every mythology?" Jason looked rather amused. "Does she think everyone's hopeless in that case?"

How Do You Say Gods- Sea of MonstersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora