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Happy Halloween! Quick bonus chapter for this ostentatiously spooky day, probably another on Thanksgiving, but still no recurring updates until December.


The other thirteen books were neatly stacked and organized now. The blue book with a yellow 2 on the spine was sitting in the spot Percy had been in yesterday for him to read when he came in.

The other option had been a book of brightest pink with a green 2 on the spine, and Alex had never met Percy, so it felt obvious to check that one last before she'd even skimmed through it.

The last had been the only other real shot, it was seafoam blue-green with the roman numeral for two on the spine, but she'd flipped open the first page and saw there was no bizarre chapter title, and yet there was one waiting for them about this upcoming wedding dress in her selection.

What, exactly, all of these colors did have to do with each of them though she was still pondering with little sleep. It had barely taken five minutes to sort them all out and the rest of the night to sit in silence on her beanbag and contemplate her options when she went back; plus fighting all of her self-control not to read at least that particular one she'd bet her heritage on contained her experience... but no. Percy's life was being revealed without his control, as were the others around here, and she had no shame in revealing her own in due time.


Magnus couldn't remember the last time he'd slept in a real bed. It made his sleeping bag back in the park feel inadequate for the first time in months, how easy it was to fall into a routine for forgetting that wasn't normal.

He wasn't sleeping much though, as Hearth sat on the end of his bed, playing with the fringe of his scarf. They were worried about Blitz and how much he was probably freaking out about them just up and missing, and yet Magnus's thoughts kept flickering to everything else in the greater world he also didn't know about. He'd never felt so small in his life being trapped at the bottom of the ocean knowing a god was probably responsible for sending those wolves after his mother because of whoever his father was.

Yet the thing really keeping him awake was the question he'd asked Hearth, and Alex's determined face when she'd declared herself genderfluid. 'Tired?'

Hearth had simply nodded and followed him out, but clearly wasn't going to luxuriate in his own bed as he still sat down there eating a bag of chips. To be fair, the guy had no idea how loud and distracting that was.

The white noise of crunch, crunch, crackle on repeat as his friend got up to get another bag after he finished the last one was a pretty good comparison to how his mind still felt as Alex kept rolling her mismatched eyes at him.


Jason wasn't catching any sheep either no matter how many he counted, he kept standing in his empty room feeling as out of place and empty as his mind still was. Every time he stepped towards the bed, it felt wrong. He didn't know what was missing from the plain walls or bedding, but he knew he wasn't going to sleep, so he took to pacing the halls restlessly, half surprised someone didn't come out and shout at him for nosing around.

His feet quickly took him to the last door after he'd mapped out the rest of the place and thought maybe it was not having a feel for their entire location that had him so ill at ease, and went up to the roof.

Taking in the view was the last thing he did, as the first thing he saw was Nico, hunched over the forgotten city. His shaggy black hair a mess around his face, his grip white-knuckled along the wall as he took calming breaths.

He seemed younger than any of them, an unfair assessment Jason associated with his mean stature and often green tones to his olive skin, yet Nico had no memory loss to speak of to blame for that. He carried himself like a practiced warrior when he walked and even sat on the edge of his seat, the black attire and even skull ring made him seem older rather than a child playing dress up, but there was something inherently fragile in his visage that made him think of a little kid.

How Do You Say Gods- Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now