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Jason took the book with no idea what to say. Gods did he wish he could say something to Thalia, but nobody had yet made a get well card for your tree getting poisoned when you were trapped inside. Her electric blue eyes met his, and for a moment it was like looking in a mirror. She was the complete opposite of him in every way, her looks, her confidence. She knew what she had to get back to out in the world and gave him a calm smile to keep going, but there was still a question in her eyes, a hurt from her past she might not ever fully get an answer to.

He read out the chapter title much slower than the mundane one it was as Percy whispered if she wanted a break. She said no, of course.

"Do all of the monster kids who come there have to sleep with Percy? Is he that bad?" Alex joked along, but Percy was frowning at him not for that. Something Annabeth had said...but no. Maybe Tyson was staying with him just because he'd been the one to bring him to camp. Perhaps the Hermes cabin rule of taking in guests didn't apply to cyclops. Who knew, maybe he'd like having a bunk mate, he'd always wanted a little brother growing up.

... and dusting everything with lemon furniture polish?

"A genuine mistake I'm sure, she should use strawberry scents next time," Magnus's chuckle sounded uneasy for the metaphor in the quiet room. Without Thalia and Will smiling and laughing along to keep them reminded they were in the know it worked out, somehow this felt a lot more dangerous.

...But there was an air of danger now.

'Which was missing before with the teenager's running around with swords?' Hearth lightly mocked.

No games were being had, armed dryads were whispering, and the grass itself looked sick.

Ironic that he'd woken up there with his mother dead and the place was paradise, now he'd just come looking for a good time and everything was backwards, Jason wanted to commiserate. Was the poor guy ever going to catch a break there?

Somebody had messed with my favorite place, and I was not, well, a happy camper.

Nico at least got a soft gust of laughter out of that one, he'd never thought to call himself that.

... The camp felt like a military school.

Jason was smiling of all things though. Who wouldn't want to live at a place with such order and structure?

And believe me, I know. I've been kicked out of a couple.

"That is an accomplishment," Alex approved, while Jason's turned into a scrunched up look like someone was dissing on him.

"Um, those are the toilets."

"Did they not have toilets at your school?" Will asked in concern.

"Not ones Percy drowned people in," Alex reminded.

"Tyson could have been pointing at the building itself," Percy graciously amended, "he might not have ever seen one dedicated to bathrooms."

"That didn't make that better," Magnus shook his head.

...When we got mad we tended to cause problems, like World War II, for instance.

The present children of the Big Three tried hard not to exchange uneasy glances. Being trapped in a room together might mean they somehow explode the world by the end of all this if they weren't careful.

Thalia had gotten turned into a pine tree. I was doing my best not to follow her example.

"Yeah, turn into your own plant," Thalia gave him a mock shove.

How Do You Say Gods- Sea of MonstersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora