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Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. For everybody else, here's my gift to you for the time off I had for this holiday I was supposed to spend listening to my family arguing. I found this a much better use of my time. Recurring updates will proceed very soon in December, promise!


Thalia read out in legitimate concern what on earth Percy had gotten up to Annabeth would have only given a passing mention to.

"Do they play dodgeball with you and the winner eats you?" Alex asked with something far to close to excitement.

"Are the balls made of human flesh?" Will demanded in disgust.

"You guys have some really twisted minds, and that part is not my fault!" Percy frowned at them.

...the teachers wear jeans and rock concert T-shirts to work.

"That sounds awesome," Will smiled, he hadn't been to a normal school since he was single digits, but this sounded exactly what he'd have in mind for it.

"It was better than most," Percy agreed.

... and the kids weren't always, well, bright.

"It's no wonder Percy approves of this place, he seems to fit right in," Thalia said innocently.

"Coming from someone who can't light up a Christmas tree," he rolled his eyes.

"Refusing to do it for your stupidity isn't the same as being unable to," she huffed.

...an hour with no adult supervision to see what would happen.

"That's not an encouraged takeaway from that book," Alex frowned.

"I'm starting to wonder if the teachers are any brighter than the students," Magnus agreed. School wasn't for everyone, but that didn't mean they shouldn't be taught at all.

... Porsche for a joyride and run into a PLEASE SLOW DOWN FOR CHILDREN sign.

"Oh he's a joy of society," Will frowned, feeling personally affronted if he had stayed in the public school system, he probably would have ended up at places like this too. Being ADHD and dealing with monsters all your life was a very different kind of trouble than this fart knocker.

Sloan was giving everybody wedgies until he made the mistake of trying it on Tyson.

Percy frowned noticeably this time as his friend was mentioned again. He was sure of it, a stirring in his mind of something he was missing, more attachment to this name than just a passing friend, the same feeling he'd had about Luke...but not quite right. Just a gap where knowledge should be.

He waved Thalia on before anyone could ask, his headache was already returning and he'd rather just get to the answer than torment himself.

Tyson was the only homeless kid at Meriwether College Prep.

"Whoa," Magnus muttered in fascination. He'd missed school a lot, but fear of the system dragging him away from Boston had been what made him try living it rough on the streets first. Meeting Blitz and Hearth very soon after and helping him adjust made it bearable.

He still wanted to go find Annabeth when this was over, but had no real desire to live in New York, and only vague confidence he could stay at this camp. Maybe there was someplace in his hometown with this kind of program?

...I could never make myself look higher than his crooked teeth.

The Mist had fooled Percy before, Jason remembered, and there was no way after a description like that Tyson wasn't something. Perhaps another kind of monster luring him into a trap, one that was taking an oddly long time? He still couldn't get out of his head how no attacks had happened to him.

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