Santa Loki

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When your Christmas wish comes true will you be naughty or nice? 

Find out tonight as I upload my newest erotic short...Santa Loki. 

It's cold outside. The wind howls at a gentle forty miles per gusts. "Going down into the negatives, stay indoors folks," the newscaster had said from a wintry scene.

You stand beside the window inside your new home watching the snowfall. Your thoughts drift about how this is to be your first Christmas alone. Moving to a new place had been a good choice, you reassure yourself. You liked your job, your little cabin by itself on the outskirts of town, the people seemed nice too. But this place was cold, colder than the coldest place you had ever been, and the little fireplace could only do so much.

There was also something you had noticed when you first arrived, unpacking and unloading your few belongings, deciding where and how to place them so that they felt and looked just right. There was something strange about the place, magical even. It was a simple town, different from the bustling city you had moved from. Simple but beautiful with its picturesque mountains and old town charm and as you settled in for your first holiday alone, the loneliness crept in much like the storm outside.

You consoled yourself with how lucky you were to live here, but it doesn't do much to ease this emptiness. You miss your friends, the nightly excursions out to the latest bar or restaurant, and you miss the weekly family gatherings. But it is Christmas Eve, and you would make the best of that, even if it meant sitting beside the fire to admire your decor, a cup of hot chocolate in your lap, and then you remember you do not have any to make. The store had been closed when you had finished your work shift, another adjustment to the small town life. 

You shiver, pulling close a knit blanket gifted to you last Christmas, yet it does little to warm you. Padding towards the fireplace you place another log inside of it, stoking it to life with the iron poker which the last residents had left behind. The flames crackle and hiss and pop and the sounds soothe you.

Firelight dances across the tree you had decorated this year. It was a small tree, but full and happy, and you feel grateful to have it. You stand beside the tree, tinkering with its lights and delicate handmade ornaments and then finally kneeling beside it to straighten the small red tree skirt you had placed there.

One ornament stands out and that is the small Marvel Loki that hangs near the top, looking colorful and plastic besides the other wooden handmade ornaments. You tap it, laughing to yourself, as you recall the day it had been gifted to you. It was a good memory for it had been gifted to you by your best friend last Christmas.

"You know," she had said while handing you the neatly wrapped box. "They say if you place something under the tree on Christmas night and wish it could come alive, it will."

You had opened the present, laughed when you saw it, as your friend winked and poked your side. "Well," she said. "will you?"

"That is ridiculous," you chuckled.

"Maybe, but if it wasn't, what would you do with him, or rephrase what would you let him do to you?"

You stared at the ornament, The fantasy begins of Loki, his long leather clad legs, his piercing eyes staring you down as he fucks you hard, his hands, oh those hands, they could hold your ass cheeks so firm, so forcefully. It would a pleasure to be held down by him as he did whatever he pleased. 

"Admit it," she said. "You are already thinking about sucking his huge hard cock."

"Of course, I am," you reply and you giggle.

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