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Author's pov

The days stretched into an eternity for Jungkook and Taehyung as the weight of impending separation hung heavy over their hearts. Each passing moment was a cruel reminder of the impending tragedy that threatened to tear apart their love.

Jungkook's days were a blur of numbness and despair. The once vibrant colors of his world had faded into shades of gray, mirroring the emptiness that consumed him. Every breath was a struggle, every heartbeat a painful echo of the love he feared losing.

He would often find himself lost in memories of Taehyung, the warmth of his touch, the sound of his laughter, the way his eyes lit up with joy. But those memories were now tainted with the bitter realization that they might soon be nothing but echoes of a past he couldn't hold onto.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the world, Jungkook found himself standing on the balcony of his empty mansion. The city bustled below, unaware of the storm raging within him.

He clutched his phone tightly, his fingers trembling as he scrolled through photos of him and Taehyung, each image a testament to their love. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring the memories that he so desperately clung to.

"I have to do this," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the din of the city.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's days were a symphony of sorrow and longing. Every breath was a reminder of the love he feared losing, the thought of Jungkook slipping through his fingers a constant ache in his heart.

He would often find himself drawn to the balcony of his own apartment, gazing out at the city below, searching for a sign of Jungkook amidst the sea of faces. But all he found was emptiness, a void that mirrored the hollowness in his soul.

One night, as the stars painted a tapestry of light across the sky, Taehyung stood on his balcony, his eyes filled with unshed tears. The city below buzzed with life, oblivious to the heartbreak that unfolded in its midst.

"I can't lose him," he whispered to the night sky, his voice carrying his anguish to the stars. "I can't survive without him."

As the days passed, the distance between Jungkook and Taehyung grew, a chasm widening with each passing moment. The pain of separation was a constant companion, a relentless ache that gnawed at their souls.

Jungkook would often find himself staring at his phone, his thumb hovering over Taehyung's contact, longing to hear his voice one last time. But the fear of causing more pain, of reopening wounds that might never heal, kept him frozen in place.

Taehyung, too, would often reach for his phone, his heart yearning for a message, a sign that Jungkook still held onto their love. But the silence that greeted him was deafening, a stark reminder of the void that now existed between them.

And so, they existed in a limbo of pain and longing, their hearts intertwined yet separated by circumstances beyond their control. Each day was a battle, each moment a struggle to hold onto a love that was slipping away.

But amidst the heartbreak and despair, a glimmer of hope remained—a hope that someday, somehow, their love would find a way to bridge the distance, to heal the wounds, and to rewrite the ending of their story. Until then, they clung to that hope, their love, a beacon in the darkness, guiding them through the storm of separation.


As the final day before Jungkook's wedding dawned, a heavy cloud of guilt hung over him. The days leading up to this moment had been filled with deliberate avoidance, a painful dance of ignoring Taehyung's calls and messages, and avoiding their usual places of meeting. Each ignored call felt like a dagger in his heart, a reminder of the hurt he was inflicting on Taehyung.

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