~Chapter 34~

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Niki P.O.V (eeoooww)

Sapnap was acting strange, something was up. He was about to tell me, but he stopped himself and his focus shifted to behind me. I turned to see karl and and his mom the queen.

"Your majesty" she bowed to me and I to her, "May I formally present to you: Prince Karl of Corinth" I watched puzzled as karl stepped forward and bowed, acting as if we never met before. I did a small curtsy to him, but all I could think is: wtf was going on!??!

"Your highness, in honor of the occasion, may I request the first dance with you? It would be my pleasure" he asked, legitimately

I now gave him an obvious gawking stare, but he was serious! "Me- but" I slowly looked to sapnap for a clue, but he was stern faced and stiff, eyes looking down. I looked back to karl: he tried to hid it, but I saw his head turn back to me from sapnap. 

"The pleasure...is all mine" I said, holding out my hand. He took it, and l followed him toward the ballroom floor. I looked back to sapnap: I will never forget that forlorn face, and he wasn't looking at me...

No One's P.O.V

Niki and karl walked hand-in-hand out to the middle of the dance floor.

"Hello ladies and gentleman! It is my pleasure to welcome you all to kinoku, and thank you for helping me to celebrate my daughter niki's birthday!" *applause applause* "So, let me start the first dance: a special song for niki and_"

He gestured to niki, but he stuttered cartoonishly when he saw karl next to her.

"uh...for niki, my darling daughter on her 20th birthday- love you!!!!" he saved, signaling to the orchestra to start

(Song: Havana by Camilla Cabello- ***Bridgerton version) listen, it's worth it to find this version for me cause the normal one a little 'timeline contradictory', plus the vibe is immaculate, but you have free will so... :P

This is the layout w/o decor, and the dance, it's old timey- nothing specific

This is the layout w/o decor, and the dance, it's old timey- nothing specific

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As the crowd started to dance, sapnap stood with the other spectators. His eyes never left karl as he glided around the floor with niki. After a while, the sight was too much for him, and he wandered off. He eventually found himself on a balcony of sorts. The air was colder as the sun set lower, but it was peaceful. He looked up at the sky and spotted the moon.

"Lovely night, isn't it" a soft voice called

Sapnap turned to see a woman sitting on the bench railing. She smiled lightly, but what was more eye catching was her attire- it was a little...odd. The other thing was she was pale, but not sick pale- it was like she had never seen the sun before. 

"I guess so" he responded, "bit cold though" unfortunately the tux didn't serve well to protect against the cold

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"I guess so" he responded, "bit cold though" unfortunately the tux didn't serve well to protect against the cold. He crossed his arms.


Sapnap paced a little but eventually decided to sit down, a few feet away from her.

"Are you alright?" she asked

"Yeah, whyYyyyy?" there was an audible shiver in his voice

"Well you're obviously cold, but you're still out here"


"Why don't you go inside?" she asked

"It's a long story, I'd rather not get into it" sapnap forced out.

"Well in my experience, sharing your problems can help solve them faster than bottling them"

"Yeah right. Trust me: nothing can fix my problem- not you, not sharing, not anything"

"You never know. Try me" she pressed

He hesitated before speaking, "I have this friend- I came with him tonight- and...we've been friends for forever, but recently I've been feeling, differently, about him"


"I kinda...sorta...I don't know: I always liked him, but now I think about him almost all the time, and when I do I like...really like him", sapnap started playing with the pendant around his neck

"What do you like about him?" her smile was soft and kind

"His smile, he has the most gorgeous smile, and his laugh, ugh I'd spend hours just trying to make him laugh so I could hear it. He's was always so happy when we were younger- he enjoyed the little things in life, like daisy crowns and walking through the woods. I can tell him anything, and I can just be myself around him...he just makes me so happy, y'know?" sapnap sighed with relief: it felt good to really say it all out loud

"What about him? Does he return your feelings?" she smiled, scooting closer

"Yeah?... it's complicated" his voice dropped, "The things is he's a prince, but I'm not royal at all, and I'm not exactly wealthy- I don't have much to offer"

"What does he want from you that you can't offer?" she asked, scooting a little closer

" Anything- I literally have a horse to my name: that's it!"

"What you offer doesn't need to be tangible". she pointed out, "You said you would spend hours trying to make him laugh, maybe he wants your humor to comfort him when he can't find it in him to smile. You tell him everything, and so he feels a deeper connection, a special connection to only you. He enjoys the simple things like making crowns to put on your head, and walking in the woods with you" she inched closer again

"I don't know about you, but it sounds like you have plenty to offer" she smiled, winking. Sapnap looked at her, and a smile creped onto his face.

"Hi, excuse me!" A man called from the doorway, "Um has either of you seen the princess?"

"I'm sorry love we haven't" she responded

"Aw man, thanks anyway" he sighed and left, his footsteps growing more distant. Sapnap started again

"I would give anything for it to be possible: him and I" he paused, "But it just wasn't meant to be. His mom doesn't approve any part of it. She wants him to marry the princess instead. I was invited tonight specifically by her, that is the only reason I was allowed to attend. I am not welcome in the queen's company, and after tonight...I'm not sure if I will be able to see him" he said nervously

There was a brief pause, "Well, you still have tonight" she said, standing up. He watched her walk in front of him and hold out her hand.

"So while we have still have time, lets forget about tomorrow, and just enjoy what is happening now." 

"Ok" sapnap smiled, taking her hand. 

Together they walked back into the warmth of the party.


ok SO

This next chapter is another event happening at the same time. This first it was what happened to sapnap, and next chapter will be what happened to karl- though they were written separately, they are happening at the same time, just in two different areas. 

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