~Chapter 18~

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SUPRISE: 2 chapters @ once :D


Sapnap P.O.V:

I woke to violent shaking and worried whispers.

"Sapnap, sapnap wake up, cOME On!" 

I opened my eyes to see karl sitting up next to me, and  after a minute of looking around I realized I was not in my room at the bar, or inside at all. I then remembered how we had went to our place yesterday and it got really late...must have fallen asleep.

"Ooooohhhhhhh shit....this is not good" was what eventually came out

"What do we do?? My mom is going to kill me!" karl started to panic

I looked through the trees and saw the sun just peaking over the horizon, but it was still pretty dark out.

"Well, it's still dark out, maybe no one is up yet? I mean who would get up before the sun. Everyone might still be asleep.....let's try and sneak in"

"I can't get caught, she'll know that I was outside if she sees me up this early!"

"We'll be fine, it's not like she's waiting for us or something" sapnap joked trying to ease the stress for the both of them

"You don't know my mom: last time I got caught going outside, I had to be handcuffed to an escort for 2 weeks. I couldn't go anywhere by myself without her knowing. Do you know what it's like to use the bathroom with only one hand?"

"u.....okay no, but I won't let that happen. I promise we won't get caught. Just follow my lead"

I stood up and helped karl to his feet before making my way back to the castle, karl following close behind. 

After we were out of the woods, we quickly ran across the field to the door. I pulled it open as quietly as I could and peaked in: it was empty, with the only light coming from candles and torches nailed to the wall.

"Okay, come on" 

I ushered karl inside before closing the door quietly. We ran down the faintly lit hall to the first corner. I stopped against the wall and peered out from behind the wall to check for guards; karl wanted to see too I guess, because he moved closer to me and put his head basically on my shoulder. My heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, coast is clear" I looked back to him

As if on pure instinct, I reached and weaved my fingers into his, pulling him down the hall.

He didn't even question it, he just accepted my hand without a second thought...

We continued through the halls until we made it to the door that led to the throne room. 

"Okay, at least if someone sees us here it won't look sus--"

I only opened the door a crack, but stopped when I heard a voice over my own coming from the other side. There was no light beyond the door, and the air was icy cold. I froze, feeling karl's grip on my hand get tighter.

I slowly opened the door a little more to see inside, karl stood just behind me. My eyes instantly fell on the light of a single candle out in the middle of the darkness. I could just make out 2 figured standing near the steps to the thrones. A figure wearing a large black cloak stood holding the candle, the other hunched over on the ground in front of them on the ground, wearing what looked like rags. The cloaked figure spoke very quietly, pretty much inaudible, but the hunched figure spoke loud enough to hear.

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