~Chapter 24~

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No One's P.O.V

Karl sat happily in his secret place building a small house of twigs and daydreaming about the party in a few days. His thoughts were soon interrupted as sapnap pushed his way through the bushes. Not bothering to stand up, he crawling all the way to karl.

"Hi--YAaaaA, what the hell--"

"WhAT did you Find out about the door?" sapnap said, catching his breath as he adjusted, sitting normally.

"I uuhh, not much, other than it is 'NoN eXiStAnT'" karl sassed rolling his eyes, "what about you?"

Sapnap pulled the key out of his pocket, handing it to karl as he continued to catch his breath.

"A key? Where did this come from?" karl asked, furrowing his brow as he examined it


I stole it I stole it I stole it I stole it I'm a thief a THEIF I TELL YOU!!!!

"I found it....in the forge" sapnap lied, a twinge of guilt following. 

"Really? Wow, this is great!! But, its so...small, you think it's even for a door?" he marveled at the key who's length barely exceeded his finger. 

"It's worth a shot isn't it?" sapnap nudged him as he stood up, trying to push down the guilt of the lie. He held out his hand to karl.

"I guess" karl shrugged, taking his hand

_-_-_-_Time skip_-_-_-_

"Come ooonnn, cooooommmmoooonnn, DAMMIT" the key dropped to the floor. He knelt down in front of the door while karl stood watch beside him. He picked it up and tried again.

"It doesn't fit, it's not long enough" (If I hear ONE word about this, I'm calling your MOTHERS)

"UGH" sapnap hung his head in defeat, gently dropping the key to the floor as he leaned against the door. Karl put a hand on his shoulder. Sapnap stared at the key on the floor, trying to think of what to do, and suddenly...he remembered something.


"Sappy? What are you doing out here?"

Bad asked as he approached his young son in the yard. Sapnap had gotten hold of the chocolate box from the kitchen and was trying to pick the tiny lock with a large stick. He was getting angrier as he rammed the stick into the small metal clasp.

"I CAN'T GET IT OPEN!!! ITS IMPOPSICLE" sapnap whined angerly

"whAT ARE YOU---that's impossible bud---YOU CAN'T have sweets right now, you'll spoil your dinner! Come on: you can have sweets later"

Sapnap dropped the stick, sniffling as he stood up and handed the box to bad, how took it before grabbing his hand and walking him back inside.

*after dinner*

"Sapnap" bad called from his bedroom. Sapnap came running in, walking up to his dad who was sitting on the bed, holding the chocolates box. 

"Did you find the key?" young sapnap asked excited

"No bud, I don't have the key...It got lost when we--" bad didn't finish his sentence. Sapnap grew sad, his eyes glossy.

"But, nothing is impopsicle..." bad said with a smirk. Sapnap looked up confused and watched as his dad took out a small carvers edge (think like a very small chisel) from under his pillow, and carefully fit it into the lock. He turned it to the left, then the right, and theeeeennn *pop* the lock was opened. Bad took it off and opened the box to reveal the chocolates within. The little boys face lit up with joy, and he took a chocolate and smiled at his dad.

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