independence daze

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It was lunch time and something was off. As usual.

"Where are they." I whispered.

"Hmm?" Rory turned to me.

"My brother, Ethan and Sarah. They've been missing all day and they're not answering their phones." I sighed.

"Great! I was just coming to ask you where they were." I looked up and saw Erica walking over.

"I want to run for vampire council party planner, but I need two other vamps to sign for me-" Rory looked interested at first. "in their blood." She added. "Speaking of which..."

"Ow!" Erica stabs him with the pen and signs his name. "Wait. As a vampire council member, what will you do to help our fangy community?" Rory tilted his head.

"Well I can start by making sure that your little furry friends head stays on his body." She pointed to the other side of him. I might have forgotten to mention that he was carrying around a Vampire Sasquatch doll. He kept it in his backpack for the most part. Ive enchanted it so that no one can see it.

"But his head's already on his body." She grabbed it and pretended to bite it. "Nice try, Erica, but he's a vampire. He'll just regenerate. Plus I need him to prove something to Ethan and Benny about Dria." He rolled his eyes.

"Its my brothers stupid logic that if can take care of one of his dolls and not let anything happen to it and they'd finally stop king fun of him. He hasn't let it out if his sight since."

"Yeah. But, we don't know. But they're missing taco Tuesday." He then took a bite of the taco. "Not wise."

"Ror, not with your mouth full." I smiled shaking my head.

"Right, I'm sorry." He then sat up straighter. "Dria didn't want one. Would you like a taco? I must be a gentleman." He smiled.

"Rory you already are." I giggled.

"No thanks." Erica rolled her eyes.

"I literally saw Benny before Rory picked me up for school but now that I think about it I haven't seen them at all today." I spoke.

"What-what if there's a threat and we can't beat it because we need them." Erica plopped herself down in the seat across from us.

"I'm gonna try my grandma." I got up and stepped out of the cafeteria.

"Hello dear." She said once she picked up the phone.

"Hi Grandma. Have you seen Benny, Ethan and Sarah?" I asked.

"No honey, why?" She sounded confused.

"Well it's lunchtime and they're nowhere to be seen. I think something might be wrong. Even Erica is worried." I told her.

"Maybe they skipped today?" Grandma suggested.

"Ethan? Skip? Fat chance. I think he'd rather fail a test. Or miss a homework assignment. But he'd never miss school unless he's seriously sick or somethings wrong." I said sure of myself. "And I know Ethan isn't sick."

"Well then there's your answer." My grandmother chuckled. "So now all you, Rory and Erica have to do is come up with a plan to find them." She told me.

"Yeah, you're right." I felt a little better.

"I often am." She remarked.

"Thanks Grandma." And with that she hung up. So to figure out where the three of them went id have to think back to this morning. No that wouldn't help, all Benny did was say he was walking to Ethans. I sighed going back to the table with my friends.

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