49. First Steps of Redemption

Start from the beginning

The blonde from his end of the battlefield, Spider-man quickly blurred in front of him completely catching him off guard, “Out of my way!”

The blonde esper uses his powers to go on the offensive line but the Spider-themed hero was completely unharmed by the attack.

Spider-man shoots a ball of energy to the Tsukuyomi esper completely stripping him of his powers while Spider-man grabs him by the throat keeping a firm grip.

Spider-man then placed a palm on his head looking through the blonde Esper's memories on what the Tsukuyomi was about. All the info was going into his mind in an instant. The unspoken things that they have done over the years, the test subjects that were forced to endure painful tortures, all the facility locations they have, Spider-man had everything he needed.

Spider-man looked directly into the blonde Esper's eyes with a glare with his white eyes as he spoke in a voice that sounded demonic, “LOOK INTO MY EYES. YOUR SOUL IS STAINED BY THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT. FEEL THEIR PAIN.

The blonde esper was completely paralyzed by a fear that was unspeakable to describe as the pain was coursing through his entire body in an instant as he falls to his back.

That kind of voice was enough to send chills down everyone's spine but only Tatsumaki and Fubuki know that he is holding back his own intense rage when it comes to villains harming the innocent. They know that there is nothing more dangerous than the rage of a gentle man or a man who has nothing left to lose even with his cosmic powers he holds back his strength on human threats.

Spider-man steps back as he exhales calmly while walking back to Tatsumaki, he raises his hand which was above her head, “May I?”

Realizing what Spider-man was about to do, she nodded her head to give Spider-man her permission to allow him to transfer the memories of the blonde esper about the Tsukuyomi. Every last detail.

Spider-man uses a telepathic link to Tatsumaki, ‘i will not rob you the choice between life and death. This is something you must face alone personally, what you need to do, what you have to do. But know that if you ever need help with getting rid of the Tsukuyomi for good, don't hesitate to ask me, I'm always a phone call away.’

Tatsumaki nearly chuckled in amusement as her eyes were closed, ‘...I'll consider it, Michael. Thank you… for everything that you've done.’

Once it was done, Spider-man walks over to Psykos to kneel down gently placing a hand on her knee, “We're getting her out of here.” Spider-man says as breaks the bonds on the chair.

Fubuki stands up to her full height, walks over to them as she brushes some of Psykos's blue hair behind her ear while Psykos began to awaken, she looks at Fubuki with tired eyes, “...President…Fubuki?” 

Psykos then looked to Fubuki's side to see Spider-man gently grasping her hand in a comforting manner. She wasn't sure what was going on for some reason she could tell that something was so… sad about Spider-man.

Tatsumaki couldn't know what to think of this but whatever Michael wanted to do with Psykos, she trusted his judgment knowing the good heart he has, “Alright, how do we get her out of here?”

“We could stage a monster attack. Most of the other heroes will be on their way right now since you've alerted the entire building. We hide Psykos in one of the monster corpses so that you can send them outside, which gives Fubuki the opportunity to get her out of here. But I think the main question is, why are there monsters locked within the Hero Association at all?”

A Blizzard member walks to the group telling Fubuki what he had discovered by hacking into the HA hidden files.

The plan was set in motion as McCoy one of the executives was examining the damage in the interrogation chamber, smoking a cigarette, Fubuki called out to McCoy, “McCoy.”

“Hellish Blizzard. Spider-man. I thought you two were disbanded from the Hero Association?”

“We'd like to talk.” Spider-man said with his arms crossed while leaning against the wall while Rover was right beside him sitting down.

Fubuki nodded while doing the same posture as Spider-man, “You were keeping unlisted demon level monsters under the Association Headquarters underground. Why is that? My team were nearly done for.”

“Metal Knight was researching them to develop more weaponry to use against them.” McCoy answers as he held the cigarette between hid teeth while he used his metal cybernetic hand to push his glasses up to his nose.

“Is that so? In that case.” Fubuki pulls out a paper which contained hidden files which made McCoy blood pressure rise up, “What is it with all the evacuation of conducting a high-vaule transactions with other external organizations for those monsters?”

“You really have to beef up the security around this place. Don't want others getting in and hacking into your dating profile. Even if you never had a good relationship with anyone.” Spider-man response in a relaxing manner with his hands behind his neck.

“You are just an ignorant child that has no idea what's right and what's wrong. Who's side are you on here?” McCoy questions Spider-man's motivation to help Blizzard.

“True but that's part of my charm. As for what side, I'm on the right side.” Michael responded.

“...What do you want?” McCoy questions.

Fubuki smiles, “We have a lot of time since the cameras are down. If we scatter the Monster's remains to the surface, we can pass off my sister's rampage and the damage done to most of the facility as a result of a fight against threat level demon monsters. Claiming victory will restore the faith of the elite who live here. You do need their money after all, no?  Overlook my sister's transgressions and I'll overlook yours. Do we have a deal?” Fubuki finished as she lets out a smirk with a head tilt.

“Heh, heh, heh, interesting. You really are a witch.” McCoy chuckled as he knows that he couldn't win, having no choice but to give in to her demands.

Spider-man was close to losing his composure but decided not to ask out of line, he didn't want an executive prick to talk like that to Fubuki.

Soon enough Tatsumaki sends the monster's remains to the surface, once they were scattered far enough away close to the streets, Hellish Blizzard and Spider-man were in the car in the backseat while Mountain Ape and Eyelashes wee in the front. Pulling Psykos out of the monsters remains to safety secure her in the car, they all drive off in the distance.

Spider-man sighs in relief while he was holding Psykos while her head was resting on his shoulder, “Rest Psykos. We'll get you the help you need. Whatever it takes.”

Fubuki smiles at Spider-man's compassion and good heart, it was relieving that he didn't necessarily view her former friend as an enemy at all while Psykos to stirr a little while speaking, “...Thank you…Spider-man…”

“Wait…where's Rover?” Spider-man asked as he now suddenly realized that, Fubuki looks back from the back window only to see the small raven black six eyed dog running behind them as they were going 110 mph.

“You definitely have a knack for strange things happening in your life, Web-head.” Fubuki comments.

“Yup that's just the story of my life.”

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