chapter 1: the arival of a hero

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As he crawled to the nuke he primed it so he could manually detonate it and at that moment he remembers all the people he'd lost on his journey he lost the AI that was like his friend, no more like an AI that was like his sister he then had a flashback of his first mission against the covenant how he left his brother to die on that ship he then looked up only to see the beam of light hitting earth in the location of New Pheonix he then looked at the bomb nodded and slammed his hand on the bomb, blowing up and in that moment he didn't feel fear he didn't feel pain what he really felt was peace

He knew his mission was done and that humanity would live on without him and he felt the warmth of the explosion engulf him, entirely burning away at him he didn't feel the burns but he did feel the peace he was in it was a feeling that he hadn't felt since he was on reach in his teens with nothing but his 2 best friends he only had one thought before his vision finally went dark "I'm sorry Kelly"

That was all he could think knowing that his best friend would be alone now and be the only one left out of the original trio

As his vision turned black he could hear a voice the voice sounded like a man in his 30s talking to him it was young yet it felt old he even sounded fatherly "this is not your end" the voice spoke to him then he heard another voice "chief- CHIEF, what the hell is going on" the female voice spoke confused and scared of what's happening "Cortana" the man said pleased that his sister figure was still alive then he felt like he was falling from a great hight

He hit something hard and rocky and it proceeded on and on he felt like he was going down a mountain and when he landed on something and didn't fall off it he thought that he was on solid ground and he was, then he looked up and saw that he actually fell off a mountain

"Cortana," he said trying to figure out if he actually heard her "John," she said relieved at the fact that the person she was partnered with is with her right now and if she could hug him she would "how are you alive Cortana," the Chief asked since the last time he saw her she was fending off the Didactic "I don't know Chief I'm just as confused as you are" the 'smart' AI replied confusingly

Then both of them detected a grey dot on John's motion tracker the Master Chief turned around with his rifle at the ready then a whistle would be heard then a familiar shout would be heard "Oly Oly Oxen Free" the accent sounded familiar and then John lowered his weapon instantly recognizing the voice "Johnson" Cortana asked in confusion "may I be damned" the African male said somewhat surprised to see the war hero in front of him "chief"

"Johnson," the Chief said surprised to see the Sargent that died in his arms again

"Johnson I thought you died on the ring" Cortana intervened "I'll explain later right now let's get you two back to base," he said the chief followed him to a pelican but it wasn't any ordinary pelican it was Echo-419 or 'foe hammer' as she's best known as by the UNSC

"Foe hammer," Cortana said as she recognized the friend or foe tag "Cortana is that you," she asked caught completely off guard by the sudden appearance of the smart AI

As all 3 of them went inside the pelican

(AN: it would be 2 if you don't count Cortana)

And foe hammer started the engines taking all 3 of them to their base "we've got a lot catching up to do chief" the Sargent major said a lot had happened since his 4 years of being on whatever planet they were on

When the pelican landed the pair got out the master chief and Cortana were surprised at how well the base was they were expecting a FOB or at least an outpost, not a fully made base of operations "welcome to Bravo base" Johnson told them and they saw two Spartans and one marine and John could recognize them as Cal-141 Daisy-023 and Ralph-103 they saw him and gave him a salute as he returned the jester and the spartans and washout left the area and continued with their conversation

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