🖇️Chapter 1

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Bertha's POV

Fifty four students in senior year ; thirty two boys and twenty two girls - minus three.

Fifty one students in senior year; thirty two boys and nineteen girls.

Bella Drew, Raquel, and Bertha. - The minus three.

Bella Drew. Expelled. Not seen or heard from after.

Raquel, my sister. The unfortunate victim. Murdered.

Bertha, me. The answer.


It is a proven fact that highschool students are all stupid. Their teenage hormones drive them into making uncalculated decisions which eventually ruin them, or as the case may be, the people around them.

A group of entitled idiots are worshipped in the same school where a groups of students who don't matter, exist. The funny twist is, the committed worshippers of these privileged kids are the very ones they mistreat, but as the dummies they are, they act like they don't see, like they don't know, which is why they need someone to destroy their oppressors on their behalf, and that someone...is me. The big twist which of course, they won't see, is that they'll be the ones to do the dirty work. They will be my tools.

My only desire is to bring down every single member of the first circle, or plastics, as I like to call them. They are the entitled kids of the men and women at the top. The narcissists, who think they are the center of the universe. The snobbish, wealthy politicians' kids who get away with anything and everything...but not this time. Once my plan is complete, I'll watch them fall to the ground and beg for their miserable lives. They will pay for what they did to my sister. I'll find Bella Drew and I will destroy her slowly and excruciatingly painfully.

I hear and I see everything that goes on in East High because unlike everybody else, I observe. I know just how stupid people are, because I study them.

I hate people.

Paying attention does so much. It gives you information, and eventually, the upper hand because with information, you can do anything. I have no desire to be seen or known, which is why I always have my face hidden. Nobody gives a shit about the hooded girl, because she is no one.

With my head far up my hood, I walk past a group of girls talking about a substitute teacher for the week. Apparently, his name is Mr Scott.

They don't notice me walk by. Not even a glance spared because I don't exist in the eyes of highschool students and it is just the perfect identity for hearing and seeing, commonly known as eavesdropping and stalking.

"Girl, you have to see this man. He was sculptured in heaven! He's perfect!"

"I bet he isn't as good looking as you make him out to be."

"You should believe her on this one, I saw him too and she's right, he's perfect."

I fail to hear the rest of the conversation as I walk far enough from them to avoid suspicion. That was information. To the world, it was just a bunch of teenagers overly obsessed with their teacher but to me, those three girls are easy preys to deceit. I'll make them my first tools. I make a mental note of their names.

Maggie Storm. A quiet one. She was bullied by Bella Drew and her clique when she came here as a transfer student. Everyone said it's because she's black but from my accurate conclusion, the plastics are not racist because Stephanie Lawrence, a plastic, is black. I'm sure there's more to Maggie. Finding out won't be very difficult.

Friday Hart. Devoted worshipper and admirer of the first circle. Thinks that someday, she'll be invited in. I have no information regarding her being mistreated, but whether or not she has, I'll create one.

The Flip Side Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant