Chapter 9 - Finally At Base

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The two Essex class carriers and the commander were walking thru the hallways to the cantine, most of the girls already arrived there meaning that the base was more quiet than usual and as they were walking they bumped into Cleveland and her sisters as they were returning from the Cantine.

Azur Lane Base | April's POV

We had just left the commander's office and were walking towards the cantine, I was walking behind her and next to Essex when we suddenly met Cleveland

"Hey! Commander, you going to the cantine?" She asked cheerfully as the commander chuckled

"Yes, we are Cleve, what's on the menu today since I see that you were there." She said as Cleveland smiled

"Potatoes, bacon, green beans and fried egg," Cleveland said as I saw another girl turn the corner and stop behind her

"There you went Aneki, why did you run away so suddenly," One of the girls said as they approached Cleveland

"Jeez, you don't have to follow me around you know," Cleveland said and sighed as the three girls that appeared looked at me

"Who's that, commander?" One of the girls asked 

"Wait isn't he that carrier that Aneki told us about?" The other one said

"He is!" The third one said while the commander chuckled and Cleveland once again sighed

"I didn't expect him to be so cute," One of the Silver haired girls said

"Watch it Denver or someone will think you are like Ark Royal," The only other blond haired girl that wasn't Cleveland said

"Don't say such things Columbia! I would never go so low as Ark!" The girl defended herself as Cleveland chuckled

"If you want to arrive on time for breakfast you better hurry," Cleveland said as the commander looked at her watch and with a panicked expression started running and grabbed me by the hand

"We have to hurry!" She yelled as Essex quickly caught up to us

"You know he can go on his own right?" Essex said as she motioned to me and the commander blushed a little

"O-of course It's just that..." But before she finished we arrived at the cantine and she let go of me "We're here!" She said as she entered and I followed after Essex

I could feel that some of the girls were staring at me, but I tried to ignore it as we went and stood in line for the food

"And here I worried ya would skip on the most important meal of the day commander!" The blond battleship said from behind a counter as she filled the female commander's tray with food

"You worry to much about me, either Belfast or another girl would have brought it to me," The girl said as she stood to the side and waited for Essex to get her food... and then my turn came

"I didn't see ya before young man, but from the looks of things you are also a ship" She said to me as I held the tray as high as possible due to my shortness

"Yup, He's my youngest brother, and the strongest ship of our class as of lately!" Essex said with pride as Nevada smiled and I felt the tray getting heavier as she put food on it

"If the time was better we would have all learned it before." The commander said as she started walking towards a table that had 4 out of 10 seats taken, and Essex followed her so I followed her

At the table, I saw three blue-haired girls, one of them had bunny ears and a weird thing on her forehead and the other two looked similar although one of them looked shy, and the only one that didn't have blue hair was the only other one I recognized

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