Chapter 4 - Sakura Empire and April

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Eugen's fleet 3rd Person POV

Eugen had just radioed the Sakura Naval base that they will be arriving in a couple of hours, and as she was sailing now on her ship instead of the rigging Eugen was reminiscing about the past and how she and her crew met April for the first time.

Eugen: Hey Nimi get over here | She said to the destroyer accompanying her

Z23: What do you require from me Miss | Nimi said with her always formal attitude

Eugen: When will you relax... But it doesn't matter now | Eugen said as she continued to stroke the sleeping boy as he had a pleased expression on his face

Z23: So what did you call me for?

Eugen: This

She said with a smirk on her face as her hand started to look for something in the boy's hair

Z23: What?

Nimi said before a pair of Blue fox ears slowly rose from his hair

Z23: H-how?

Eugen: If only I had a camera to take a photo of your face | Eugen said as she continued stroking the sleeping boy

Z23: How did you know about this?

Eugen: I guess I can tell you... well for starters do you remember how I, Bismarck, Roon, and Friedrich were gone last November

Z23: Yes I remember it... so what you are telling me is

Eugen: We were sent as the first Kansen to meet him and so we were also the ones that saw the most genuine side of him before he learned to control his body more

Z23: So the reason you knew of his ears is that he accidentally showed them to you?

Eugen: He was so excited when we meet him that his ears suddenly rose high... and I learned this

Eugen said as she brushed her hand across the boy's fox ear, he let out a small moan while his body shivered slightly before going back to his calm sleeping pose

Z23: You could've woken him up! You really should be more careful

Eugen: Actually no

Z23: What do you mean by that?

Eugen: You could say that I shut him down because that is what happened when we meet

Z23: So you're telling me that touching just by touching his ears someone can knock him out

Eugen: You could say that and he thankfully doesn't feel any pain

Z23: Well that could be useful if we ever find ourselves in a fight with him at close range

Eugen: If everything goes well we won't have to be too concerned about it

Z23: Anything else you wanted from me?

Eugen: No that's all... | Eugen says as both of the girls look up to see one of the Crimson red planes flying over them 

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