Chapter 8 - Family Reunion and A Trip Back

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Azur Lane Fleet | 1 Hour After The Battle | 3rd Person POV

The Battle ended in a draw as neither side truly gained much, Crimson Axis did not lose the Black Cube but at the same time they "Lost" April after he helped retrieve the cube. Azur Lane lost the Cube but retrieved April which was a significant power boost as he already showed that he was strong.

But now even after the battle has ended the atmosphere wasn't too bright as many saw the loss of the Black cube as a more significant matter than the retrieval of April, at least Essex was happy that her brother didn't hate her and forgave her already for her lie, even if he himself was now lying to her about something else. Right now the two Essex class carriers were standing atop the ship of April near the roman numerals 'IV'. The boy was still being carried by his sister as she refused to let him go, and even though it was a little embarrassing, he enjoyed the (Platonic) love his sister had for him, and on the other side of his Flight deck, two other Kansen stood and watched.

"You think she will return to normal now?" Belfast asked Enterprise as she let out a satisfied sigh

"Maybe? But one thing I know for sure is that we will no longer have depressex" Enterprise said as she looked at Belfast with a smug smile after her pun.

"I think I miss the old Enterprise," Belfast said with a sigh after hearing Enterprise's wordplay

"Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your and the Commander's actions," Enterprise said reminding Belfast that she alongside the commander changed her from the depressing-ration-devouring Enterprise to what she was now

"At least you no longer Insist on eating the Ration bars outside the missions," Belfast said as she regained her own smug look

"How could I when there is so much good food at the base," Enterprise said as she was imagining what they would get once back at base

"I still remember when you would rather stuff yourself full of rations rather than go to the cantine" Belfast added as she looked at Enterprise

"Yea, yea, at least I changed," she said as she looked at Belfast "And you are still the same as ever"

Belfast frowned at Enterprise's remark but was undeterred

"Why would I need to change? The commander always enjoys my company more than yours" She said which made Enterprise a little mad

"Don't bring her into this" Enterprise said as the two then continued to duel with words in a friendly competition.

At the same time, the two Essex Class carriers turned around to see the two arguing.

"Why are they fighting? aren't they friends?" April asked Essex and she just sighed

"They Both are The Commander's secretaries and they often fight over which one is her favourite," Essex says as she puts her brother down. "Say April, how about you make some wind" Essex says with a smirk as April looks at her with a confused look


"Could you bring one of your Planes near them and blow some wind at them?" Essex specifies what she meant

"I could do that... but why?" He asked as Essex grew a smile

"To prank 'em, It'll show Senpai why Essex class is better," Essex said as April shrugged and summoned his plane... in the hangar under the flight deck to which Essex sighed "I forgot about that..." She said as April's aircraft elevator slowly descendent to pick up the plane, all the while the two other Kansen were stuck in their argument on who was a better secretary

The First Jet Carrier in Azur Laneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें