Polaroid of you dancing in my room, jo (1)

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You led her to the car, sitting in the back with her. She kept quiet as you and your mom talked about your siblings and cousins. You kept your fingers intertwined together, rubbing your thumb on her hand. "Jenna, right?" Your mom looked at the girl through the mirror. She nodded, quiet. "Y/n says you're famous?" 

Jenna looked at you, you had your jaw slacked, you looked offended. "I did not say that, I said she was an actress." You argued, making your mother shrug.

"Same thing." She looked to your girlfriend.

You stared at Jenna, admiring how organically she fell into conversation with your mother. It was sweet. You slightly regret not bringing her home earlier. Jenna and your mother talked almost the way home, you often pitched in, but you wanted them to bond and get to know each other. 

While your mother and Jenna conversed, she'd look you through the mirror, seeing how you looked at Jenna. You looked at her the way your mother looks at your father. She remembered how you always longed for having a love like your parents, but it was hard for you, because you never seemed to fall for any guy. Seeing you now, all grown up, having made a life for yourself, and finding someone that was good enough to introduce to the rest of the family, it was bittersweet.

You looked through the window, noticing that you were nearing your childhood home. It felt nostalgic. You remembered all the bad memories, the days you cried to your parents about broken relationships, the times you've gotten in trouble for trying new things. But you also remembered all the good memories, when you would come home after accomplishing something great and your siblings were there to cheer you on, the days where you and your siblings would chase each other around messing with each other.

Jenna saw the look on your face, she wasn't quite sure how you felt coming home. You had visited, but that was alone, but here you were, wanting your family's approval for Jenna. She patted your thigh. "Are you okay?"

You just smiled at her, nodding your head. "Pretty good." Your mother noticed the slightly worried looks on your faces.

"They'll love you, Jenna, I already do." Your mother comforted, getting out of the car. Your jaw slacked, you looked to your girlfriend who had a wide grin on her face.

"I mean, one person down, a bunch more to go, I guess." You joked, helping her get out of the car. 

The two of you grabbed the bags from the back, heading inside. You took in a deep breath, looking around. You saw your parents and your siblings in the living room, all talking. You knocked on the doorway. "Hey guys." You smiled, Jenna was behind you, watching as your siblings almost knock you over with hugs. Once everyone was settled back to their seats, you figured you should introduce Jenna. "So, I may or may not have brought someone home." 

"Didn't know you can pull." Your brother teased, making you roll your eyes. 

"At least I can keep a girl." You quipped, making Jenna quietly laugh. You pulled her into view. "This is my girlfriend-"

"You're dating Jenna Ortega?" Your younger sister exclaimed. It made you laugh, you knew that she watched a few of your girlfriend's shows before. "How did you do it?"

You looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"How did you get her to like you?" You rolled your eyes at her and huffed. You were about to say something snarky back.

"Y/n's actually really easy to like." You felt yourself blush at Jenna's comment. You stuck your tongue out at your sister, who merely returned the favor.

Your mom ushered for her to sit. "They all still act like children." You shook your head with a smile.

"Go ahead, sit down, I'm gonna put our stuff away." You muttered to your girlfriend, picking up the bags you dropped.

"Are you sure? I can help you." You shook your head.

"Go have fun with my family." You reassured, giving her a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs. 

Usually, when you would come home, you never stayed long, maybe just a night or two. You didn't want them to rush with making your room, but since you and Jenna were going to be there for a while, might as well stay in your room. It hasn't changed much since you last changed it, most of your posters and papers still on the wall, your desk was still set up the same, the only thing that was different was that it was tidied.

You were pretty sure that you were the only sibling to move out of the city, your older sister, Alicia, stayed, finding a good job within this terrible city. Your younger sister, Sydney, was going to university, still staying at home despite the commute being 45 minutes, an hour even with the crazy snowstorms. Your youngest brother, Dylan, obviously stayed, just graduating earlier that June.

You put your bags down, looking over at the wall where you hung up photos of you and your friends. Most of which you had drifted off from, some having to cut contact. It felt weird, actually soaking in the feeling of being home.

You shook yourself from your thoughts, heading back to the living room. That was where you saw Jenna telling your parents and siblings about how the two of you got together. You leaned against the doorway, smiling at the memory. You watched her as she recalled the memories, and how your siblings wanted to deny your romantic side.

This was a sight that you wanted to see more often. Jenna seemed to fit you and your family, so, when were you going to make her a part of it? You zoned off, thinking about marrying her.

It wasn't until your ears picked up on your parents telling her the story of your (terrible) first date. You quickly got off the doorway, coming in. "Woah, not that story." You cut in, sitting down beside your girlfriend. "We don't need to talk about that mess of a day."

She looked at you with curiosity in her eyes. "Why not, you never told me about it?" Your eyes went wide, your face turning into one of a grimace.

"There's a reason why I avoided it-" Your mom tapped Jenna's shoulder, showing her phone. It was a picture of you in 8th grade, getting ready. You flushed in embarrassment, groaning. You covered your face, you heard Jenna giggle at the picture.

After countless of embarrassing stories being shared around the group, you and Jenna decided to retire to your room, being tired from the flight. You shut the door behind you, you heard Jenna let out a loud sigh and flop onto your bed.

"So, how was the first bit?" You asked, laying on the bed beside her.

You looked at her, a weird feeling in your stomach arose. Having Jenna there with you, in your childhood home, it felt so weird, yet so natural. "They're great, and really nice." 

"Who's your favorite so far?" You asked, she looked at you, confused.

"I don't really have a favorite, they're all so different, so it's hard to pick." You rolled your eyes. "What?" 

You let out a huff. "Don't bullshit me now, babe." She got up and closer to you.

"You." She muttered, kissing you softly on the lips. You pulled away, your eyebrows raised.

"Uh huh? I'm your favorite." You teased, kissing her again. 

The rest of the night was just the two of you cuddling, kissing each other every now and then. She had her face buried within the crook of your neck while you looked at the roof and pondered. "Are you ready for part two?" You asked, your hand rubbing up and down her back.

"I think I'll be fine." She muttered, making you look at her. It was dark, but you could see a slight reflection off her eyes. You had this sudden urge to kiss her, so you leaned towards her, capturing her lips. You heard her gasp out in shock, but deepening the kiss.

You pulled yourself away slightly. "I love you so much." You muttered against her lips. You gave her another kiss. "Thank you for coming home with me." Another kiss. She laughed against your lips.

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