Chapter 185

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Shi Fei walked with the two doctors who came to Ganan Hospital for advanced studies, both wearing protective clothing, accompanied by Dr. Norman and the doctor who had gone to pick up Shi Fei before and was captured by him, also wearing blue protective suit.

    The difference is that Shi Fei still has a small cloth belt pinned to his waist.

    All the doctors and nurses who came and went wore masks, and some even wore protective clothing.

    It probably happened to be disinfection time, and someone was spraying every location in the corridor with disinfectant.

    The slightly pungent smell of disinfectant filled Shi Fei's nostrils.

    The sneakers stepped on the floor that had just been sprayed with disinfectant, leaving a traceless footprint.

    Along the way, Norman did not say clearly what happened to the remaining fellow doctor, but by looking at their expressions, one could probably tell that maybe the last doctor Meng Tian who came to Ganan Hospital for further training might not be in a good condition at the moment. .

    Although he had expected it a long time ago, Shi Fei was still shocked when he saw what was in the room through the glass.

    Holding an infrared night vision device in his hand, Shi Fei saw a person lying on the bed in the ward. His face, feet, arms, and exposed skin were cracked, like the cracked bark of an old tree. .

    There are still some dried blood clots on it, which should have been oozing out before, which will dry on the body, and some serious places have begun to rot.

    The blue veins on the neck stand on top of each other, which is extremely scary and scary. If you don't know this, you may think it's a horror film, with makeup like this.

    It is quite similar to the characters such as vampires or zombies in the movie.

    Shi Fei reached out and held the doorknob, wanting to open the door and go in, but Norman stopped him: "He is very aggressive, although he is asleep now, if he wakes up and gets scratched suddenly, he will be infected."

    Although the protective clothing It can play a role in preventing infection, but once the disease occurs, the opponent will actively attack people, and the protective clothing will be torn.

    Every time the doctors and nurses go in to help him hang the bottle for injections, they have to be very careful, which is why they tied him up.

    Shi Fei glanced at Norman, his eyes flickered with frightening danger, even though he was wearing goggles, it still made Norman feel a chill down his spine.

    While suppressing his nervous heartbeat, Norman wondered where Shi Fei had such a strong aura at such a young age.

    Regardless of opposition, Shi Fei opened the door and went in without turning on the light.

    As he got closer, he realized the seriousness of the other party's injuries.

    Not only was his skin cracked, he was also terribly thin. From the information he had seen before, he should be of normal weight.

    But at this moment, Shi Fei saw that the Huaxia doctor named Meng Tian was lying on the bed, he was 1.75 meters tall and probably weighed about 100 catties.

    It's only been a few days?

    Probably because their arrival disturbed the people who were sleeping, Meng Tian who was lying on the bed suddenly started to struggle violently.

[BL, MTL] My Family's Idol's Vest Fell Off AgainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang