Chapter 189

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When Shi Fei learned that the hospital did not allow the delivery of medicinal materials, he guessed that it was Miles' order.

    He did not directly confront Miles, but told the family members of the patients who were anxiously waiting for Shi Fei's medical treatment.

    It was about the lives of their loved ones, and soon those people united to resist, and the incident became very serious.

    Miles was so blocked by the family members of those patients with porphyria that they couldn't even get out of the office, and they were arguing loudly.

    "Why is the hospital locked down and everyone is not allowed to go out?"

    "What are you trying to do? I sent my family in, but you have no ability to treat them, and now you have to block the medicine? This is murder in your hospital."

    "My father Suffering every day in the hospital, has your hospital done anything? It only keeps injecting sedatives every day to control it, are you really working hard to develop restraint drugs?"

    "Let the medicinal materials from outside come in now, come in quickly."

    Facing a group of angry family members in the office, Miles looked fierce and wanted to eat him on the spot, and found a relatively credible reason to say: "I am thinking about your lives, that person used The medicine has not been recorded at all, who knows what ingredients are used in it, at least it should be taken out and let the doctor study it before using it."

    At this time, the husband of the Huaxia wife said: "I don't know so much , I only know that my wife is in pain every day, and your hospital has nothing to do about it, it just keeps using sedatives. I have never seen the medicine that the Huaxia doctor used, but the medicine he used can control the pain. It's enough to stop my wife's illness and make her mentally normal and stop going crazy. This is the medicine I need."

    As soon as the person who was persuaded by Miles spoke up, those people who were a little bit persuaded by Miles were very upset. He was almost shaken by the words, and once again accused Miles one by one angrily, asking him to let all the medicinal materials be brought in.

    Some irritable people even started throwing things in Miles' office. If the M police hadn't arrived in time, even Miles would have been beaten up.

    With things like this, Miles could only let all the medicinal materials come in.

    In order to appease everyone, I made up a set of excuses, saying: "I don't really want to let the medicinal materials come in, I just want to ask someone to check it first, just in case."

    These words can be regarded as self-protection. some faces.

    Here, the family members of patients with porphyria got the answers they wanted with satisfaction.

    The rumors about these people making a fuss in Miles' office over there also spread in the hospital.

    It was impossible to hide the incident from all the people because it was such a big mess. It didn't take long for everyone in the hospital to know about it.

    Originally, when the Ganan Central Hospital was locked down, they did not explain the situation clearly to all the patients and their families in the hospital. This would make it clear that the hospital was originally locked down because of the emergence of a new type of infectious disease.

    The news quickly spread throughout the hospital like the wind in summer.

    So Miles had just ended a wave of threats from dozens of family members, and he was about to face a coercion by thousands of family members.

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