Chapter 110

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In the dead of night, the moonlight hides behind the clouds, revealing a corner from time to time to illuminate the city.

    It was early in the morning when Gu Yueze returned to the hotel to rest. After finishing his day's work, he stretched his neck with a slightly tired face.

    He took off his black suit jacket and threw it on the gray sofa.

    For him, he has long been used to the intensity of work every day, and his life is only work, until he saw someone more than a year ago.

    What started out as curiosity slowly turned into love now.

    I'm working a bit late today. According to this schedule, the original schedule of about ten days can be compressed to seven days, and I can go back to see someone in a few days.

    We've only been separated for two days, but it feels like we haven't seen each other for many years.

    I used to think that it was too exaggerated to describe those who were separated from their lovers for a day as 'one day is like three autumns', and even did not think about food or tea. How can one person's emotions be controlled by another person like this.

    This is a very unwise behavior for a senior leader of a company. As the president of a group, what he needs to do is to maintain a clear mind at all times and not allow himself to make the slightest mistake.

    Since meeting Shi Fei, all his rationality seems to have disappeared.

    Invest in programs for him, participate in reality shows for him, learn how to court someone for him, learn how to do housework for him, etc.

    Even his family and friends say he is not himself now.

    All these things he did with pleasure.

    Taking out his personal mobile phone, seeing the still empty information, Gu Yueze's sharp face darkened slightly.

    It was already early morning of the next day, Gu Yueze opened Weibo with his mobile phone, and skillfully signed in to a certain unscrupulous little guy who hadn't called him all day.

    This habit has been cultivated since the draft. It was troublesome at first. A businessman like him never does such useless and time-wasting things. Later, he got used to it after doing it every day.

    Now Gu Yueze will have one more place to sign in, and that is the super talk of 'When I'm Hungry'.

    He seems to be spending more and more time on the so-called 'wasting'.

    "What are you waiting for, a cult has come out, hurry up and drop the trending searches."

    "Shi Fei can only belong to Brother Gu, no one else is allowed to snatch it, the others are all cults."

    "The trending searches are about to enter the top 20 , the more people who see it, the more cult members there will be."

    "Only when I am hungry is true, I don't recognize everything else."

    "Whoever dares to dismantle my 'When Hunger CP', don't blame me for taking The ancestral expression covers your face."


    Gu Yueze quit Chaohua, went to the trending search list, and slid his fingers down on the screen one by one, and the 26th trending search had '#沉清然时飞#' hanging on it.

    Click to see, there are 7 photos and 2 animations inside.

    Shen Qingran stood under the concert stage with a cold and noble face, and Shi Fei stood beside him with a faint smile, behind him was a pile of red seats.

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