"Spencer! Finally, you hung up 20 minutes ago and I've been SO BORED!" Azrial exclaimed as the boy walked in the door. They hugged him tightly, as an apology and greeting. "Oh no, what did you do?" He asked suspiciously, the house wasn't burning, and it was clean. "What- I didn't do anyth-" Lily chuckled from the couch and gestured towards Spencer's room. "They started up Minecraft. They were playing it for a few minutes." Azrial turned towards Lily exasperated, pretending to be disappointed. "I trusted you." "Oh well!" Spencer laughed and walked up to his room, sitting on his bed. "I've got homework." He sighed as Azrial sat at the desk. "L! I have none." They gasped loudly and shrieked. "WHAT?" "OH MY GOD, SPENCER LOOK AT TWITTER."

Hello, would you like to join the Dream smp?


Yes please.


*ip address*



"Why'd you agree? I didn't even get to see it!"

"Shut up and start streaming, you're joining the smp!"

They ran downstairs to tell Lily about the new opportunity and grabbed some snacks. "No face cam, I don't want to put on my mask." Spencer said as the two sat at the desk, vibrating with excitement. Well, Azrial was.

"Hey chat! Today I have decided to hack into the Dream smp so I can become president." Ranboo announced after the 5 minutes of intro. "We're hacking in, ohh can I give chat the big news?" Az asked, making a punch gesture. "Sure I guess." Az clapped and cleared their throat dramatically. "I'm a 'trouble maker', right? So today I fought some girl at school. You know, a popular girl, she's a huge bully. Basically she used a few slurs which were directed towards me so I got mad. Then she YANKS me out of my seat! So obviously I broke her nose. But uh I got expelled lol!" Ranboo started cackling until he typed in the ip and stopped. "Oh my God chat, it worked."


I guess my hacking worked

"HAHAHA YOU GOT BANNED!" Azrial teased until he got unbanned. "Dream- Dream thats so mean unban me!" He got unbanned and the server loaded up. "Holy frick you're actually in the Dream smp." Az said as Ranboo walked around, meeting people. Until 2 people asked to vc them. "Oh wow! I am suddenly mute." Azrial said quickly as Ranboo joined the vc. "What the fuck, your a girl Ranbow?" Ranboo slapped his hand over his mouth as Azrial sat there dumbfounded. "Ranboo do I sound like a fucking chick? I purposely lower my voice- WHAT THE FUCK I DO?" Ranboo started cackling and the other two were confused. "A-Are you not Ranbow?" "RANBOW HAHAHA"

Ranboo introduced himself as the actual streamer, and Az as his friend. "Don't lie Ranboo, I'm more than a friend. Add emotional support in front of that." Az sighed and laid their head on his table. "Oh yeah, and Tommyinnit, I use they/them pronouns, thanks." Tubbo jeered at Tommy for assuming their gender. "Oops, sorry. Ranbow how old are you?" Ranboo froze for a moment and turned towards Tommy's character. "I'm not comfortable stating my age." "Okay well were you born before April 19th 2004?"

"Yes." "HAHA I'M OLDER!" Azrial snorted and shook their head. "No, actually I'd be older than you." "What about Az?" Ranboo stifled laughter as Az took the mic and whispered into it. "I am also older than you Tommyinnit. By 3 months, how do you feel about that?" "WHAT THE FUCK?" "Imagine still being the youngest." Tubbo teased as Tommy started yelling. "Are you two even minors?" Tubbo asked after Tommy's rant. "Yeah, we're both minors."

After that, unless Az was spoken to, they were silent. Ranboo noticed and frowned, turning towards the younger. "You good?" He asked quietly, not caring if the stream or other people heard him. "Yeah, just chilling on pinterest." He nodded and decided to end the stream soon. "Actually, Ranboo, I've decided. I'm ordering McDonald's." "My mom wouldn't like that-" "She loves me. If I told her I was on my monthly death bed arc she'd understand." Ranboo turned towards them slowly and just stared. "What?"








"You broke the chat. And the other people on call?"

"Oh well. Nuggets and sweet n sour?"

"Yup I guess."

"Don't worry I didn't forget your fanta."

"Oh, thanks. Well chat, looks like we're ending stream-"


Az burst out, standing up abruptly. They stared at the screen, waiting for responses. "None? True the machine might not even work." Ranboo chuckled and did his normal outro, Az mumbling in the background about oreos. "Well, Tommy, Tubbo, see you later." Ranboo said to the boys who were finally back from whatever they both went silent about. "See you Ranbow." "Bow lmao-" "Az shut up-!" "Ranboo.." Azrial pouted and sat on the floor, ordering their food. "UGh bye boys."

[Azrial pronounces it Rahnboo]

Ambrosine [Ranboo x M!Oc] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now